Funding Opportunity: Health Research Funding Programme 2023 by Azim Premji Foundation

About the Organization

The Foundation’s vision is to contribute towards a more just, equitable, humane and sustainable society. Its work is focused on India.

Azim Premji set up the Foundation in 2001. Over the past years, he has irrevocably donated most of his wealth for philanthropic purposes and created a philanthropic endowment valued (as of Jan 2023) at approximately USD 29 billion (INR 2,40,000 crore) to fund the work of the Foundation. As part of this endowment, along with other assets, 66 percent of the economic ownership of Wipro Ltd is with the Foundation.

About the Grant

As Azim Premji Foundation forays into the health space with a focus on improving health outcomes for vulnerable communities, we at Azim Premji University are launching the first round of our Research Funding Programme in Health.

This programme is designed to promote inquiry into areas of particular interest to the Foundation’s Health Initiative, build a nuanced and data-driven understanding of the realities of public health in the country, and explore possible responses for some of them. The research funding programme will supplement the Foundation’s existing efforts to strengthen the quality of healthcare in vulnerable populations across rural, tribal, peri-urban, and urban areas.

We are looking for research focused on vulnerable communities that is methodologically robust, empirically grounded, and can inform practice. We are also keen on research that builds awareness and contributes to a meaningful discourse around issues of health and the determinants of health.

Fund Size and Duration

  • Funding per study: INR 5 – 40 lakh
  • Duration of Study: 12 – 24 months
  • We request applicants treat the upper bounds on duration and funding as indicative rather than stringent. Hence, proposals that align well with the themes identified and eligibility/​evaluation criteria are encouraged to apply even if the expected duration of study or budget is greater than those defined above.
  • While we have indicated an upper limit of INR 40 lakh as funding per study, we appreciate frugality and request researchers to plan budgets commensurate with the proposed study.
  • Our intent is to encourage fresh research in public health. Hence, proposals for add-on funding on existing funded research projects will not be considered.


Proposals that fall within the following criteria are eligible to apply:

  • We invite applications from researchers affiliated with institutions such as non-profit organisations and centres within academic institutions. Independent researchers are not eligible to apply.
  • Your proposed study should address a particular theme and sub-theme from the aforementioned list. Concept notes submitted for studies outside the scope of the specific themes will not be considered.
  • Multiple proposals addressing different specific themes can be submitted, both within a theme/sub-theme or across different themes/sub-themes.
  • This call for proposals is for researchers external to Azim Premji Foundation. Members of the Foundation are not eligible to apply.
  • Completed studies arising from this call for proposals may be published in relevant media.

How to Apply

The link for submitting your applications will be active from 1 April 2023 to 15 May 2023 (last date of submission). Interested researchers must submit the online application form along with CVs of all collaborating investigators (PIs and Co-PIs).

The online application form will seek information on aspects such as why the study is needed, the significance of the study in relation to the specific theme and sub-theme, identified research objectives/​questions, description of expected outcomes, methodology to be applied, indicative timeline, and budget.

All applications will undergo a detailed review for selection for the next round. Those initially shortlisted will be contacted by the team from the Foundation and requested to submit a detailed proposal. The final selection will be based on this submission.

In case of any queries, you may write to healthresearch@​apu.​edu.​in

Apply now

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