Funding Opportunity: Leakey Foundation Research Grant

About the Organization

The mission of The Leakey Foundation is to increase scientific knowledge, education, and public understanding of human origins, evolution, behavior, and survival.The Leakey Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to funding human origins research and sharing the results of this research through innovative educational programs.About the GrantThe Leakey Foundation exclusively funds research related to human origins. Priority of funding is commonly given to exploratory phases of promising new research projects that meet the stated purpose of the Foundation. The majority of The Leakey Foundation’s Research Grants awarded to doctoral students are in the $3,000-$15,000 range with a funding limit of $20,000. Larger grants given to senior scientists and post-doctoral researchers may be funded up to $30,000. As of May 2022, the funding limits have increased to $20,000 for PhD candidates and $30,000 for senior scientists and post-doctoral researchers.EligibilityAdvanced doctoral students (advanced to candidacy – all but dissertation) and established scientists are eligible for Leakey Foundation Research Grants. There are no citizenship restrictions; however, all applications must be written in English.How to ApplyThen use the links on this page to apply online.  DeadlinesThe deadlines for research grant applications are January 10th and July 15th.

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