Job Opportunity for Ai-BOT Content Curation, Management & Calibration at Digital Green

  • Remote

Website Digital Green


Agriculture and agronomy related packages of practices for various crops in video, text, image form. These contents / POP are sourced from multiple government departments like ICAR, KVK, ATARI,SRLM etc.

Job Description

The candidate is expected to work in close tandem with the Tech team in achieving the following three major objectives

1.Agri and allied content curation and POP updating with latest packages of practices.

2.Systematic content management

3.Content calibration in alignment with Ai enabled BOT for accurate and complete advisory.

Also as the Product Development progress and if there is a requirement for subject matter expert opinion candidate should align as per the tasks assigned

A. Content Curation

Task 1: Categorization of Crops/Value Chains

  • Conduct in-depth research on crops/value chains, focusing on presidential priority crops, regional prevalence, climatic adaptability, economic impact, and sustainability factors
  • Systematically categorize crops/value chains based on factors like geography(County and sub-county), Agro climate zones, soil type etc..
  • Consult with agronomy experts to validate categorizations, making adjustments based on expert insights.
  • Deliverable: XLS sheets with Categorized database with detailed notes on each category.

Task 2: Content Source Identification

For each Crop/Value chain mapped in Task 1:

  • Source Mapping: Map potential contributors for each type of content, including universities, research institutes, agricultural companies, and government bodies. Prepare a mapped list of potential contributors with contact details and relevance notes.
  • Identify and list various content types (e.g PoP Documents, Research papers, infographics, data sets, Videos) relevant to each crop/value chain. Prepare a comprehensive list of content types with potential sources for each type.
  • Deliverable: XLS sheet/word file with Crop/Value Chain, Content source and content types mapping.

Task 3: Content Collection and Organization

  • Systematic Content Gathering: Collect existing content from identified sources, focusing on quality and relevance to the template sections. Organize content in Google drives after coordinating with respective product team members.
  • Content Analysis and Gap Identification: Analyze collected content for gaps, redundancy, and alignment with the template. Prepare an analysis report with identified content gaps and redundancies.
  • Deliverable: Google drive folders with organized content, Content collection tracker document.

B. Content Management

Task 4: Template Creation for Crop/Value Chain AI Consumable Content Book

  • Crop Profile Development: Develop sections on crop history, species, genetics, and suitable geographic regions. Include success stories of specific crop varieties.
  • Agricultural Practices: Detail sections on soil types, preparation techniques, seedling management, best planting practices, and irrigation methods.
  • Crop Maintenance: Include comprehensive details on fertilization, pest and disease management, weather adaptation strategies, and harvesting techniques.
  • Post-Harvest and Marketing: The content should describe storage techniques, market trends, pricing strategies, value addition processes, and case studies of successful marketing initiatives .Detailed sections on post-harvest handling and marketing.
  • Gender inclusive practices
  • Please don’t limit it to the above mentioned structure only. We want to build a master template which can be later used for other regions too.
  • Please note we need to create this template with one example and then apply it for all the crops.
  • To fill this template for the example and also for other crops, there is no need to restructure the content, but connect each section to existing content for different sources as MVP1(Minimum viable product) and in MVP2 we make an effort to repackage the content.
  • Deliverable: A Finalized and validated content template for a crop with an example crop in XLS or Google DOC or MS Word format.

Task 5: Terminology database

  • Prepare a regional terminology database for scientific terms to local terms for each crop/practice/disease/pest.
  • This database should be in English only. Although local terminology can be added in english
  • Deliverable: XLS sheet with scientific name mapped to a regional name.

C.Content Calibration

Task 6: Golden Q&A Preparation

  • Golden Q&A Preparation: Develop Q&A list, in ENGLISH ONLY, aiming for a minimum of 300 per crop/value chain, incorporating feedback from experts and practitioners.
  • Please make sure that questions are aligned with the type of questions which an extension worker of a farmer can ask timely POP updation.
  • The Q&A should form the content identified in the above steps and not form outside this context.
  • Deliverable: Tracker for this task and separate google document for each crop containing Questions and answers in English.


Msc/Phd agriculture

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