Website Bachpan Bachao Andolan
Organization Profile-
Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA) is India’s pioneering grassroots movement to combat child labor, child trafficking, and other forms of exploitation of children. It spearheads the crusade for access to quality education and justice. Founded by Nobel Peace Laureate Shri. Kailash Satyarthi in 1980, the organization strategically employs tools of victim assistance, legal aid, and support, grassroots child participatory models, and policy research, to create a child-friendly society.
The focus of this project is to build robust, accountable, and sustainable institutions of child protection, as a means to ensure access to justice and the overall implementation of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015 and the corresponding rules.
Purpose of the Role
The CEO shall be responsible for the overall functioning of the organization, its growth and development and the implementation of the vision, mission and strategic plan as laid by the Board.
The CEO shall be responsible to run the organization, ensuring programmatic delivery, and outcomes, and working for the development of the organization.
Key Result Area-
I. Ensure Resource Mobilisation and Organisational Promotion
a. In his/her capacity as an ambassador to the organization, the CEO shall be responsible for establishing relationships with all relevant Government agencies to promote the organization and its cause to ensure the continuity of legacy and leadership of the Organization and all its functions through the evidence-based researches insightful position paper, policy papers, and programmatic interventions and innovations.
b. He/ She shall ensure raising funds for effective implementation of the Strategic Plan as laid down by the Board.
c. He/ She shall ensure effective resource allocation and planning both Human Resource allocation as well as financial.
d. He/ She shall be responsible for ensuring all Donor relations, including communication relating to reports, and other important developments in the organization.
II. Good Governance:
a. He/ She shall ensure the implementation of all policies laid down by the Board.
b. He/ She shall ensure good governance and management practices including:
i. Coordination and communication between the Board of Trustees and Board of Advisors.
ii. Strategic plans including Annual Action Plans and budgets for the entire Organization.
iii. System for monthly, quarterly and yearly planning of activities.
iv. System for monthly, quarterly, and yearly MIS reports and programmatic reports to the Funders.
v. System for ensuring donor reports and other mandatory communication.
c. He/ She shall be ensuring that the organization follows its policies in consultation with the Management.
III. Ensure leadership
a. He/ She shall be responsible to act as the voice and an ambassador of the organization.
b. He/ She shall be responsible for ensuring, driving and communicating the organization’s vision, mission and values throughout the Organization
c. He/ She shall be responsible for providing leadership and guidance to all associates
d. He/ She shall be responsible to guide institutional and non-institutional fundraising efforts in consultation with Management and other team leads for the smooth functioning of the organization.
IV. Organizational management:
a. He/ She shall be responsible for leading, developing and motivating the staff.
b. He/ She shall be responsible for providing guidance and feedback on the performance of individuals and teams.
c. He/ She shall be responsible for ensuring that the Organization has a diverse staff with skills appropriate to the position through people management
d. He/ She shall be responsible for ensuring excellence in program execution through constant innovation rigorous oversight, robust planning and regular reviews.
e. He/ She shall be responsible for refining upgrading and quality of systems and processes.
f. He/ She shall be responsible for actively engaging with all staff teams regularly.
g. He/ She shall be responsible to serve as a member of each committee of the Board, and ensuring the meetings of various committees of the organization, leading and coordinating.
h. He/ She shall be responsible for leading, coaching and developing the senior management team and planning for ‘succession planning’ at each level.
V. Communication:
a. He/ She shall be responsible for creating a list of communication tools that should provide for and act as a basis of and act as a basis of Organization’s Goodwill and brand promotion, Including: –
i. Internal communication
ii. Internet and web-based communication tools
iii. Annual reports
iv. Media reports
v. Books, research and publications, and others
b. He/ She shall be responsible for guiding the communication team in making documentaries films etc.
c. He/ She shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with processes to share information and experiences, leverage cross-cutting initiatives across the organization
d. He/ She shall be responsible for ensuring processes of communication to share stories, experiences and other relevant information across the organization and to the relevant stakeholders
VI. Cross function Integration
a. He/ She shall be responsible for ensuring that the strategic world-class programmatic management capability is in place and operationalized.
VII. To act as a Key Advisor to the Board.
a. CEO shall be the convener of the various committee appointed by the board and also act as the ex-officio of each committee
b. Responsible for advising the Senior Leadership team including the Board, and Management Committee on various operational functions and capabilities to enable the effective functioning of the organization.
c. He/ She shall be responsible to act as a buffer between Senior Leadership, Board and the associates on day-to-day operational issues.
d. He/ She shall be responsible for ensuring the preparation of contents and accelerating important matters to the Board.
Any other functions that the Board deems appropriate.
Educational Qualification-
· Bachelor’s Degree or preferably having MBA Degree in Business, Finance, Public Policy, Environment Sustainability, Health administration or a related field or tertiary degree would be an advantage
· Advanced degree courses help you keep abreast of new trends and philosophies in the world of business and industry.
· Minimum of 10 years or more of management experience
· Strategic leadership ability
Skills & Competencies
· Committed to the cause of working with children
Functional knowledge: Understanding of the areas of work the organization works in (child rights).
Interpersonal skills: Establishing and maintaining good relationships with others in the organisation
Problem Solving: Demonstrated proactive approaches to problem-solving with strong decision-making capability
Analytical skills: Excellent analytical and problem-solving abilities. Must participate in evaluating the success of the organization in reaching its goals.
Leadership skills: Must demonstrate the leadership necessary to make the organization’s mission a success. This includes providing direction and all other aspects of successful leadership.
Management skills: Creating a culture of learning to help enhance and grow the skills and abilities of employees.
Self-driven: Consistently maintain high levels of activity or productivity and operate with vigour, effectiveness and determination over extended periods.
To apply for the above-mentioned position, one can send in the profile at page Careers at our website www.bba.org.in latest by 15th January 2023 with the position title in the subject line of the email.
To apply for this job please visit recruit.zohopublic.com.