Job Opportunity for Civil Engineer at Swaniti in Deoghar

Website Swaniti Initiative

About the organization:

Swaniti is a decade-old organization working in the space of policy-making and public service delivery. Our projects have been focused on supporting the government administration in strategizing scheme implementation, providing research support to Hon’ble Members of Parliament, and developing data-technology tools. With flagship initiatives like Supporting Parliamentarians in Analysis and Research in Constituencies (SPARC) and Leadership and Engagement Associate in District (LEAD), Swaniti has supported Constituency Development and District Development Planning in various parts of the country. At present, along with working with 100+ Hon’ble Members of Parliamentarians for policy-making, we are working with several state and district governments providing technical assistance to ensure the delivery of schemes to the last mile. Major verticals of our work are Climate and Sustainability, Social Protection, Policy Engagements, Technology, and Rural Livelihood & Governance.


We are looking for a passionate and experienced civil engineer who is keen on working in the development sector. The chosen candidate shall work in Project Management Unit (PMU) which shall work with the District Mineral Foundation (DMF) to monitor, plan for and implement development works in mining-affected regions of the district. The Civil Engineer shall play a crucial role in monitoring the civil works underway as well as evaluating the completed works. We are looking specifically for driven professionals who are capable of working in a public sector setting while maintaining high productivity.

Qualifications required

  • The candidate must be a graduate of civil engineering with a minimum experience of 2 years working in the same field.
  • The candidate must have experience monitoring and evaluating civil works.
  • Preference is given to candidates possessing previous experience of working with government departments.


  • Study drawings and estimates of projects submitted by various line DMF(T) administrations for approval under the DMF. Propose alterations and revisions required, if any.
  • Supervise various construction activities taken up under District Mineral Foundation (DMF).
  • Ensure that the construction is in compliance with the drawing and estimates approved.
  • Assess the value of works done and approve bills/vouchers for fund release to the implementing agency.
  • Report to the Team Leader, Planning and Monitoring Unit (PMU).
  • Any other duties may be assigned.

Skills preferred

  • Demonstrated ability to work in a multicultural environment and establish harmonious and effective working relationships.
  • Strong analytical skills, ability to think strategically, analyze diverse information and manage multiple projects simultaneously.
  • Ability to communicate ideas clearly and confidently, articulate issues, and recommend solutions.
  • Competency in the usage of IT tools including proficiency in MS Office suite.
  • Strong oral and writing skills in English.
  • Ability to communicate in Hindi is desirable.


Deoghar, Jharkhand, India

Our offerings:

At Swaniti, people remain the highest priority. The organization always prioritizes the well-being of team members while providing new challenges to build professional caliber and most importantly create impact. All team members are provided with:

– A clear path to develop a career and rise to the highest level in the organization

– A well-defined mechanism to map performance, work on individual growth and be a leader

– 50% sponsorship of Health Insurance for each team member

– Opportunity to work with Senior Government Officials

– Understand governance from both the policy-making and policy-execution perspective

– Opportunity to understand Government Consulting

– Opportunity to operate at the intersection of policy, governance, and technology

– Competitive remuneration

– Freedom to experiment with ideas and thoughts

– Opportunity Impact the community in a holistic and sustainable manner

– Supportive team members and experienced organizational leaders

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