Job Opportunity for Communications and Knowledge Management Associate at Wadhwani AI in Delhi

Website Wadhwani AI


Wadhwani AI occupies a unique position in the world of technology: we are an independent and nonprofit organization working for the benefit of underserved communities, and we drive impact at scale through world-class AI research, innovation, and deployment. We believe in diversity—across skill sets, backgrounds, and perspectives—and in leveraging it to effect change that is truly meaningful, positive, and sustainable. This belief is reflected in the composition of our team and in the way we work.


We are looking for a Communications and Knowledge Management Associate to join our team in New Delhi. This is an exciting opportunity to build upon and grow communications systems and documentation frameworks for a rapidly growing organization, working on a broad range of AI-driven solutions and programs in healthcare and other domains.

You will be expected to:

  • Craft engaging and delightful communications material that presents our work through a number of lenses. This material must be tailored to our various stakeholders and audience groups, span a variety of formats and media, and effectively showcase the expertise and competence of the organization, across verticals and domains.
  • Support the planning, execution, and delivery of communication and knowledge management requirements for our AI solutions in healthcare.
  • Develop communication and documentation products and collaterals, including brochures, fact sheets, reports, press releases, scripts for multimedia content (audio, video, etc.), and hybrid (digital + offline) promotional material.
  • Provide strategic insights and develop innovative and effective methods of strengthening the knowledge management and communication components for our solutions in healthcare.
  • Support the organization of online and offline events (webinars, conferences, etc.)
  • Develop learning materials for internal and external use pertaining to our AI solutions in healthcare.
  • Ensure that all content created complies with internal and donor-specific communication and knowledge management guidelines and standards, and guide/support solutions teams on developing content products in line with these standards.
  • Work with teams within the organization (AI/ML, engineering, programs, solutions, design, operations) to compile, create, and edit content for the Wadhwani AI website and blog, and any other collateral, as required.
  • Organize digital and offline events (webinars, workshops, conferences, etc.)
  • Build communications material for external events that the organization participates in.
  • Conceptualize and drive internal communications initiatives.

You are likely to excel at this role if you:

  • Have prior experience with managing knowledge management and communications initiatives in the social sector.
  • Have an excellent project, task, and people management skills.
  • Understand digital media well (technologies, platforms, and content.)
  • Understand and are open to learning about complex concepts.
  • Are passionate about the promise and potential of using technology for social good.
  • Are intellectually curious.
  • Are proactive and adept at problem-solving.
  • Are comfortable with working on multiple projects simultaneously and independently, and can take ownership of your work.
  • Can adhere to deadlines and create compelling communications material quickly. Being able to pay attention to detail under pressure is vital.


Wadhwani AI was formed in 2018 to build AI solutions that benefit underserved populations in developing countries. We partner with government bodies and global nonprofits to ensure that our innovations will improve the lives of those who need them the most.

We are an equal-opportunity employer and do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability. Learn more about working at Wadhwani AI here.

We are currently building solutions in the agriculture and health domains. Visit to learn more about our work.

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