Website Ministry of External Affairs
Applications in the prescribed proforma (as per Annexure I to the advertisement) are invited from eligible candidates for engagement of 02 (two) Consultant in the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), New Delhi, as per details given below:
1. Name of the Post : Consultant in Ministry of External Affairs Headquarters, New Delhi
2. Period of Consultancy : Initially for 01 (one) year The contract can be extended further depending on
assessment of performance, mutual willingness and depending on the requirement. The contract may be terminated on one month’s notice from either side or on payment of one month’s pay in lieu thereof. Unauthorized absence may lead to termination of the engagement.
3. Nature of Duties :
• The Consultant will be required to work as International Relations Communication Expert in the Policy Planning and Research Division of the Ministry.
• Their duties will entail preparation of briefs, publicity outputs, and generate content regularly of specific geographical or thematic areas relevant to foreign policy formulation, monitoring international policy developments, including on human rights and democratic developments, and providing knowledge based inputs for the same.
• He/She will also be required to attend important seminars and conferences important seminars and conferences relevant to the work of the Policy Planning & Research Division, and submit reports on them. He/She will also be required to undertake intensive studies on reports published by international
organizations and make analyses and recommendations thereupon.
• Prepare speeches, statements, and presentations on specific foreign policy related issues or international policy development issues such as international law, human rights, democratic developments etc.
• The consultant would be required to train the regular staff of the Ministry with a view to transferring the knowledge and skills during the period of consultancy.
4. Job Location :
• Ministry of External Affairs (South Block/ Jawaharlal Nehru Bhawan / Patiala House/ISIL Building/Akbar Bhavan), New Delhi
• Depending on the precise nature of duties assigned to the consultant from time to time, he/she may be given office space within the premises of the Ministry of External Affairs or may be asked to work from their own premises and submit periodic reports to the Ministry.
5. Qualifications/Essential
• Applicants should be an Indian national.
• Graduate from a recognized university in India or abroad.
• Extra credit will be given for specialized domain knowledge/ evidence of original thinking/ evidence of content writing – peer-reviewed publications, journals, newspapers/media, reports/experience of work in a reputed university, Think-tank or Research Organization in the area of International Affairs/Public
• Evidence of wide ranging experience in Writing and Presentation skills.
• Age should be between 25-40years as on last date of submission of application.
6. Desirable Criteria :
• Previous experience in this Ministry.
• Knowledge of Foreign Languages.
• Subject expertise in IR with a Masters’ degree and work experience in reputed academic institutions and international think-tanks/organizations.
• Subject expertise in public policy/international public policy including human rights, democracy etc, with a Masters’ degree and work experience in reputed international think-tanks/organizations.
7. Remuneration & Entitlements:
• The remuneration package will be commensurate with the experience and profile of the selected candidate, subject to a maximum of Rs. 10 lakh per annum and deduction of applicable taxes. The consultancy fees shall be paid in Indian Rupees. The amount of consultancy fee so fixed shall remain unchanged during the term of engagement.
• The engagement will be strictly contractual and will not confer any other benefits to the selected candidates.
• The consultant shall not be entitled to any benefit like Provident Fund, Pension, Gratuity, Medical Attendance Treatment, Seniority, Promotion etc. or any other benefits available to the regular employees of the Ministry.
• No HRA shall be admissible.
• The engagement of the Consultant is on full time basis. Normal working hours will be from 0900 to 1730 hrs. Working hours is subject to change from time to time. Saturdays/Sundays will remain closed as weekend off. In exigencies, he/she may be required to work beyond office hours and/or on closed holidays. No extra allowance or remuneration for such work is admissible. He/She shall not accept any other professional appointment, paid or otherwise during the term of engagement with this Ministry.
• Paid leave of absence may be allowed at the rate of 1.5 days for each completed month of service. Accumulation of leave beyond a calendar year may not be allowed. Leave cannot be claimed as a matter
of right. Leave will not be allowed for more than 10 days at a time. Discretion is reserved to the Head of
Division to refuse or revoke leave in the public interest. Leave encashment will not be permissible on
unspent leave. Unspent leave will lapse on commencement of notice period. No other leave of
any kind shall be admissible to him/her. In case he/she remains absent from duty beyond entitled leave, a proportionate deduction from the consolidated fee as applicable will be made.
• In case the Consultant is required to travel as part of his/her duties, the Ministry will take care of his/her travel, accommodation and per-diem costs, at par with Under Secretary in the Ministry.
• The selected person will be required to enter into a contract with the Ministry in a prescribed format w.e.f. from the actual date of engagement as Consultant.
7. How to apply :
• The applicants who fulfill the eligiblity criteria may submit application indicating their interest in working for the Ministry of External Affairs as per proforma at Annexure I.
• Documents / certificates in support of educational qualifications, experience in Govt. service should be attached with the application.
• The envelope containing the applicants’ details as mentioned above should be clearly labeled Application for the position of Consultant in PP&R Division of Ministry of External Affairs” and sent
Under Secretary (PF&PG)
Ministry of External Affairs,
Room No. 4071, Jawaharlal Nehru
Bhawan, 23-D, Janpath, New Delhi 110011
Note: Applications received through email will not be considered.
• Ministry of External Affairs will review the applications and short list the candidates if considers suitable for interview. The short-listed candidates will be intimated by email.
• The date, time and venue of the interview will be conveyed through email at the email address provided by the applicants.
• Applicants will have to make their own arrangements to reach the place of interview.
• No TA/DA will be payable by the Ministry to Applicants for attending interview.
• The final selection will be based on their performance at the interview.
• The decision of the Government regarding selection of candidate will be final.
The last date for receiving applications is 06th October, 2022 (1730 hrs). Applications received after the closing date or without the prescribed documents or otherwise found incomplete or not in the prescribed proforma will be rejected and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.
To apply for this job please visit www.linkedin.com.