Job Opportunity for Consultant: Data Analysis at IWMI in New Delhi

Website IWMI

About the Organization

IWMI is a research-for-development (R4D) organization, with offices in 14 countries and a global network of scientists operating in more than 30 countries. For over three decades, our research results have led to changes in water management that have contributed to social and economic development.

Job Description

IWMI is doing an Impact evaluation study in Bangladesh collecting data from a representative sample of IDCOL SIPs to understand the biophysical and economic impacts of adopting solar irrigation. Also to critically look at the challenges and opportunities for IDCOL’s fee-for-service model in expanding solar irrigation in Bangladesh and other neighboring regions of Eastern Gangetic Plain.

Job Responsibilities

The consultant will support the analysis of data collected by the SoLAR project in Bangladesh and especially the SIP survey data. More specifically, the following four main tasks will be delivered.

Create and clean the database for the panel of 83 SIPs surveyed through telephonic interviews for 9 seasons and the panel data for the household-level survey.

Through econometric methods, analyze how the age of the SIP, its location, the status of its sponsor, and time influence (changes in):

  • Operation and coverage of the SIP (SIP operated or not, area irrigated, number of buyers) (Sections 3 and 4)
  • Selection of beneficiaries (average plot area, tenancy status of buyers and of plots served, tiny and marginal farmer status, changes in buyer/nonbuyer status) (Sections 4 and 7)
  • Cropping patterns within the SIP command area (crop diversity, cropping intensity)
    Tariffs on irrigation services (Section 4)
  • Irrigation service provided (number of irrigations per crop, farmers’ complaints) (Sections 4 and 6)
  • Resort to diesel and electric irrigation within the SIP command area (Section 4)
  • Adoption of water-efficient technologies and practices (Section 4)
  • Income generation and collection of fees (Section 5)
  • Energy and water consumption (from meters if available, proxied from groundwater levels and duration of irrigation) (Section 6)
  • Changes in nearby water markets (density of the options and tariffs) (Section 7 in R5, R8)

Provide descriptive statistics disaggregated by the age of the SIP and the status of its sponsor on the following components:

  • Changes in output and inputs prices (R7, R8)
  • Differences in terms of cropping calendar, yields and input/outputs costs between kharif 2 2022 and other kharif 2 seasons (R8)
  • Grid integration p7otential (R7)
  • Land market (R6)
  • Operators’ characteristics and compensation (R6, R2), training (R3)
  • Sponsors’ practices and perception (R4)
  • Response to shocks and COVID (Section 3 and R1)

The consultant would also help in the econometric analysis of household panel data collected from 900 farmers in North-West Bangladesh and contribute to writing an article on the heterogenous impact of solar irrigation pumps across different farmer groups in terms of the socio-economic and land tenure profile of the farmers.

Education Qualification/Required Skills & Experience

  • Master’s degree in Economics, Agricultural Economics, or Statistics.
  • Proficiency with STATA, especially for cleaning and merging panel data.
  • Good grasp of econometric and statistical analysis.
  • Prior experience of working with large quantitative data sets (data cleaning, management, analysis, etc.).
  • Good understanding of agriculture in South Asia and especially Bangladesh (seasons, cropping patterns, irrigation practices, land units, etc.).
  • Strong writing skills, demonstrated through term papers, reports, or journal articles.

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