Website Plan India
Job Title: Coordinator – MERL
Department: Monitoring, Evaluation, Research & Learning
Location: Delhi
Reporting: National Lead- Program Quality & Impact
Travel Requirement: 50%
Level Of Contact With Children: 1 (Direct contact with children) The position holder shall be responsible to adhere & work within the ambit of Plan India’s Safeguarding Policy & Gender Equality Policies.
Summary of the role
The position is responsible for leading all MERL related activities at regional level and provide necessary support in evaluation and research studies, documenting and finalizing research reports, disseminating research results, providing technical inputs and guidance to other teams based on research results and fulfilling research-based data requirements of other teams
Summary of the role
- The Coordinator – MERL would work closely with the national MERL Team
- The work of the candidate will include, but not be limited to, the following tasks and responsibilities
Primary Data
- S/he will be responsible in operationalising the MIS/ PMERL at the field level.
- S/he would, in particular, play a major role in collation and consolidation of data from different plan programmes/ projects to provide the same to organisational dashboard for ease access.
- S/he will be responsible for analysing the quantitative and qualitative data on monthly basis and share the same with the programme team.
- Ensuregender and social inclusion relatedanalysis in all the research and evaluationactivities
- Review Plan India’s PMERL on a regular basis and ensure the data points are completely and correctly entered by the frontline staff as per the prescribed norms and standards
- Provide support for assessing project impacts commissioned in consultation with MERL team.
- Develop survey tools using digital platforms and build capacity of the programme team to use the same.
- Provide support to teams with primary and secondary data for writing proposals and reports as required.
- Build capacity of the programme team in implementing M&E activities in the project
- Visit field operation areas to collect information on project activities, surveys and interviewing project beneficiaries, as and when required.
Secondary Data
- Collect data and other public policy and program information from various government institutions, including central ministries, subnational government and statistical agencies;
- Maintain up-to-date and accurate databases of aggregate and disaggregated national and subnational information and ensure that they are readily searchable and accessible by other team members;
- Engage with counterparts at the technical level, including working with them to jointly produce analyses and supporting programs aimed at building their capacity in analyses;
- Conduct quantitative and qualitative desk research and analyses on datasets under limited supervision;
Knowledge Management
- Prepare reports, presentations, written briefs and policy notes, and draft technical sections of reports based on the above analyses under limited supervision;
- S/he may also be required to work on other programme pillars as required.
- Support the programme team in developing abstracts and presentation papers for conferences with regard to data and statistical inferences
Skill Set
- 7+ years of monitoring, research and evaluation, experience in public health, education, childrights and childcentred programs
- Experience in conducting quantitative and qualitative researcheswithfamiliarity in the researchmethods.
- Experience in designing the data entry formats for survey instruments, data collection tools, as well as training and managingdecentralized teams.
- Demonstratedability in quantitative and qualitative data analysis and report writing
- Ability to perform data modelling and projections, synthesize quantitative data using a variety of software packages (SPSS or equivalentstatistical package, Excel)
- Demonstratedability to design and executedashboardsusingexcel, access and online platforms.
- Ability to presentanalysisusingpresentation (PowerPoint) or othersimilar applications.
- Experience in large-scalefunded programs and donorreporting as well as using data for program decision-making and improvement
- Exceptionalwritten and verbal communication skills
- Ability to travel to field locations frequently and collaborate with and the colleagues remotely
Compensation and Employment
Plan is an equal opportunity employer and qualified women candidates are encouraged to apply. Our policies and procedures reflect our commitment to child rights and child protection.
How to Apply
Please send us your updated resume along with a suitability note (Single Word document only) at planindiacareers@planindia.org. Please mention “Coordinator – MERL”in the subject line. Last date for sending applications is 31st October2023. Given the volume of applications received, only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
To apply for this job email your details to planindiacareers@planindia.org