Website Atree
About the job
Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) is seeking to fill the position of Development Officer. The Development Officer is expected to work with the development team to:
- Assist the Director in implementing development plans, research potential leads and support.
- Keep track of all funding opportunities from different sources such as, institutions, embassies, universities, Indian and foreign government, private, bilateral and multilateral agencies, social enterprises, and foundations.
- Keep an eye on the online funding sites and share opportunities with the fellows and the Academy for the students.
- Develop, maintain, and follow up on ATREE’s donor and organiszation base as well as Calls for Proposals through ATREE’s CRM system.
- Consult with and update the Director on the follow-ups for different high networth individuals.
- Research and support Director on other potential donors
- Assist faculty and centres’ staff in identifying sources of funding, and in preparation of relevant material about the institution for proposals
- Prepare proposals, including, budgets, Gantt charts, logical framework analysis (LFA) in consultation with the faculty and Director for institutional proposals. Provide support to the faculty for their proposals.
- Maintain the internal grant management system and track that update are made by faculty about the progress of their grants. Follow up with faculty and staff for final reports for completed grants.
- Compose all award applications for ATREE in consultation with the Director and develop ATREE institutional grant and IT reports.
- Ensure that current donors receive general and specific updates on ATREE’s work, including reports, media reports, and invitations for workshops
- Develop and prepare materials in collaboration with communications officer to enhance the profile of ATREE
Essential qualifications
- Masters or equivalent degree
- Strong motivation towards organizational development and fundraising
- Understanding of the key social and/ or environmental issues
- Ability to work in a team and to build teams
- Prior experience of working on a CRM and a Grant Management System
Appointments and emoluments
Salary will be based on experience and ability. Salaries at ATREE are competitive and at par with other equivalent organizations in the NGO sector. The position will be based in Bangalore.
ATREE is one of South Asia’s leading conservation and environmental research organizations. ATREE seeks to address pressing environmental challenges through interdisciplinary research, teaching, and engagement with societal institutions. ATREE fosters autonomy, professional growth, diversity, and gender equity at the workplace. Women and persons from underprivileged groups are especially encouraged to apply.
Application process
Interested candidates should email their CV, names, and contact information of three references, a concise and clear proposal (five pages), and a letter describing their professional goals and interests. Mails and queries should be addressed to:
The HR Manager
Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment
E-mail: hr@atree.org
Royal Enclave, Srirampura, Jakkur P.O. Bangalore 560 064.
Tel: +91 (80) 2363-5555, Fax: 2353-0070
To apply for this job email your details to hr@atree.org