Website ATREE
ATREE seeks a motivated and committed researcher with post-doctoral (or higher) level background and experience in environmental economics. The researcher must possess sound analytical, quantitative, critical and communicative skills and interests. (S)he must be adept and familiar with debates and literature on economy-environment interactions, market functions/failures and the environment, environmental valuation, and global transboundary environmental concerns and policies. Engagement with political economic thinking on unequal development, industrial impacts on nature, and natural resource extraction is encouraged. So also a sensitivity towards ecological economics debates and concerns around biodiversity conservation and human well-being, water quality and health, and plural valuations of nature. The applicant must have interests and skills to pursue theoretical and empirical work in rural and urban contexts, including forests, small farms and big plantations, coastal wetlands, pastoral landscapes, cities, peri-urban and towns. A normative sensitivity to diversity and equity is requisite. The researcher must be able to lead and participate in interdisciplinary research projects in conservation-based livelihoods, and sustainable development.
- Engage broadly with land use change and climate change concerns and issues around terrestrial and riverine ecosystems in any or few of the landscapes ATREE works in. These include the eastern Himalayas, western and eastern Ghats, western coast, and central India.
- Demonstrate interest and familiarity biodiversity conservation and livelihoods, including land sharing and land sparing debates and associated practices; water quality and use. ATREE values place based research and local case studies and expects the applicant to show interests in making links between local livelihood impacts and global economic influences.
- Develop an environmental economics research and policy/social outreach program around conservation and sustainability that has scope for interdisciplinary collaboration. Individually and collaboratively raise research grants for this.
- Design an environmental economics course or module for PhD, Masters and certificate programs.
- Partake in ATREE’s pioneering interdisciplinary PhD and Masters programmes and its courses like sociology for conservation and sustainability; conservation issues, ethics and concerns; climate change; and research methods . ATREE requires its faculty to mentor PhD and Masters students.
- Communicate research through audio-visual media (podcasts, documentaries, short films, photography) and op-eds.
Interested candidates should email their CV, names, and contact information of three references. Mails and queries should be addressed to:
The HR Manager
Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment
E-mail: hr@atree.org
Royal Enclave, Srirampura, Jakkur P.O. Bangalore 560 064.
Tel: +91 (80) 2363-5555, Fax: 2353-0070
To apply for this job email your details to hr@atree.org