Website Care India
Field Coordinator Vruddhi
Vruddhi Project
1st April 2023 to 31st December 2024
Capacity Building Officer
Bhavnagar District of Gujarat
Everyday travel to the implementation block/sectors. Occasional travel to the district and block level.
CARE is a not-for-profit organisation working in India for over 68 years, focusing on alleviating poverty and social injustice. We do this through well-planned and comprehensive projects in health, education, livelihoods and disaster preparedness and response. Our overall goal is the empowerment of women and girls from poor and marginalised communities leading to improvement in their lives and livelihoods.
During FY 2018-19, CARE India directly reached out to 37.2 million people through 43 projects across 14 states, covering more than 80+ districts. We are part of the CARE International Confederation, working in 100 countries for a world where people live with dignity and security.
CARE India seeks a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security.
Our goal is to ensure that women and girls from the most marginalized communities are empowered, live in dignity and their households have secure and resilient lives. CARE India aims to accomplish this goal by working with 50 million people to help them have quality health, education, livelihoods and overcome the effects of disasters.
Project Vruddhi is an ambitious project being jointly implemented by CARE and Action Against Hunger in the state of Gujarat. The project is financially supported by The Power of Nutrition, an independent charitable foundation, with matching funds from the consortium partners.
The overall goal of Project Vruddhi is “to support Health and ICDS Departments, GoG to achieve accelerated progress towards nutrition outcomes identified under POSHAN Abhiyan”.
The project aims to contribute to reduction in children’s stunting and severe wasting by improving health, nutrition and hygiene among pregnant and lactating women and children under 6 years.
The program will work closely with the Government of Gujarat (GoG) over a five-year period to strengthen its efforts to address the root causes of malnutrition in specific pockets and identifying an effective model of service delivery and demand creation that could be replicated in other contexts as well. To achieve this goal, the program will work in depth in two high-burden districts of Gujarat – Bhavnagar and Sabarkantha to develop replicable models that could be scaled up to other locations.
This position will be responsible for implementing project activities at sector level. The position will support Lady Supervisors of the intervention area in planning, implementation and monitoring of the services. This person will be responsible to strengthen local capacities for quality service delivery and the supervision of FLWs. One Field Coordinator will be responsible for the AWCs of 2-3 ICDS Sectors.
The incumbent will perform the following but will not be limited to it:
Objective 1: To increase capacities of health and ICDS system to deliver improved nutrition services:
- Provide on-field supportive supervision to the assigned Lady Supervisors and FHWs in the ways described by the protocol
- Capacity Building sessions for LS/FLWs as and when planned
- Strengthening existing service delivery platforms (VHNDs, Community Based Events at AWC level.
- Draw up a planning of the work involved for each FHW;
- Collect program related data from the field
- Help to organize monthly meetings with the team in coordination with FS;
Objective 2: To improve essential health and nutrition practices by building knowledge, skills and motivation and creating an enabling environment by:
- Provide on the job support to FLWs to organise counsellings for PLWs.
- Support FLWs in organising regular home visits,
- Support in counselling mothers and pregnant women to adopt positive dietary and IYCF practices.
- Follow monthly plan provided by FS
Other responsibilities:
- Prepare and submit an action plan to the block supervisor.
- Coach and support frontline workers to improve quality of data.
- Report daily, weekly and monthly as per programme templates in assigned format
- Conduct on job trainings for FHWs on detection, referral and follow up of SAM /MAM children and support to PLWs.
- Propose solutions or improvements for better performance of the project;
- Participate in other activities when needed.
- Maintain all the data records with care and do not share data with prior approvals from Project Manager
- Flexible to work on fields as per timings best suited for community.
- Supervise the daily and monthly reports of the FHWs and prepare and submit daily, weekly and monthly reports on time to Block Coordinator;
- Implement cross-learning visit between frontline workers (frontline workers exchange visit) if needed and in collaboration with FS
- Cooperate with local authorities for the planning of visit and have joint visits as much as possible (with LS);
- Participate in sector/block meetings
- Accurately document and regularly update the programme registers/ reporting formats
Supervised by: District Capacity Building Officer
Functional Coordination: Finance, HR and Admin, MIS and Nutrition
Supervise: Lady Supervisors, Frontline Workers, Field Volunteer (If any)
Master of Social Work, Graduate/ Post graduate Degree
Degree/ Diploma in Nutrition
Project management capacity – Ability to analyse and synthesize – Capacity to work as a team – Organizational qualities – Diplomacy – Good relations with people – Psychological mindedness-Flexibility – Autonomy – Computer and reporting skills – knowledge of local language will be an added advantage
To apply for this job please visit careindiacareers.peoplestrong.com.