Website Azim Premji Foundation
- Manage the end-to-end finance, accounting, compliance and reporting activities of the proposed Azim Premji University in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
- Monitor and oversee the books of accounts and reporting systems to ensure compliance with appropriate accounting standards and regulatory requirements
- Prepare financial statements of the University – income & expenditure, balance sheet, cash flow statements and notes to financial statements.
- Develop and circulate financial reports on a monthly basis
- Review all contracts and agreements
- Ensure effective revenue management – fee collection, receivables, revenue recognition etc
- Co-ordinate statutory and internal audits
- Participate in the annual budgeting and planning process
- Conceptualize and implement cost optimization initiatives
- Manage the cash flow of the University
- Prepare notes, analysis and documents for finance committee meetings and Board of Governors meetings
- Ensure compliance to University Act and Statutes
- Ensure fixed assets / capex are properly accounted and effectively utilized.
To apply for this job please visit www.linkedin.com.