Job Opportunity for Project Management Specialist (WASH) at USAID in New Delhi

Website USAID

POSITION TITLE: Project Management Specialist (WASH)

MARKET VALUE: INR 2,873,935 to INR 4,457,939 equivalent to FSN-12. In accordance with AIDAR Appendix J and the Local Compensation Plan of USAID/India. This market value includes Basic Salary, Housing Allowance and Miscellaneous Benefits Allowance. This market value does not include benefits and allowance mentioned under Section VI. Final compensation will be negotiated within the listed market value.

PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: Initially, five years Cooperating Country National Personal Services Contract will be issued, with the possibility of extension depending on the need, satisfactory performance, and funds availability. Employment under any contract issued under this solicitation is of a continuing nature. Its duration is expected to be part of series of sequential contract; all contract clauses, provisions, and regulatory requirements concerning availability of funds and the specific duration of the contract shall apply.

PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: New Delhi (with possible travel, if applicable, as per the Statement of Duties). 40 hours per week, Monday to Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

ELIGIBLE OFFERORS: Cooperating Country Nationals – The position is open to Cooperating Country Nationals, which means an individual who is an Indian citizen, or a non-cooperating country citizen lawfully admitted for permanent residence in India.

SECURITY LEVEL REQUIRED: Security Clearance from the Embassy’s Regional Security Office.

Statement of Duties to be performed

Sector Leadership and Strategy (30%)

Serve as a specialist for the WASH portfolio and provide expert direction in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of WASH programs and interventions. Serve as the Mission’s HPC designation Lead and supervise efforts to identify, prioritize and address key technical challenges, and policy and institutional structures, constraints and opportunities in sustainable water and sanitation service provision and management in the country, including those related to private sector participation in the sector. Identify opportunities to use available USAID field support mechanisms to expand water and sanitation coverage and improve hygiene and to leverage resources from other sources and related funding streams, e.g., climate adaptation, food security. Through literature review and regular communication with local and international stakeholders, keep abreast of emerging developments in the national and global WASH landscape and advise accordingly on how these policies, strategies and technical guidelines can most effectively be incorporated into Mission programming. Play a key role in identifying and coordinating among the various USG and internal USAID water, sanitation and hygiene related activities and players.

Project Management (35%)

Develop concept papers, scopes of work, USAID project and activity design documents and bilateral and multilateral agreements related to the design of water, sanitation and hygiene related programs, with the goal of ensuring that program design and implementation will achieve planned results and USAID goals. Maintain a technical portfolio as Contracting Officer’s Representative/Agreement Officer’s Representative (COR/AOR) and/or Activity Manager, which includes review and approval of workplans, budgets, quarterly and annual reports, performance monitoring plans, monitoring activities through field visits and ensuring that financial reporting (accruals/vouchers) are submitted to the Financial Management Office as required. Lead the development of a performance-monitoring plan for all Mission activities contributing toward the objectives of the Senator Paul Simon Water for the World Act and its associated earmarks and contribute to data collection and synthesis. Lead routine meetings with implementing partners to discuss technical and programmatic direction of the WASH portfolio. Conduct field visits to USAID-supported WASH activities to meet with implementing partners and government officials as appropriate to provide technical, programmatic, and administrative guidance as necessary.  Compile, analyze, and disseminate, on a regular basis, to USAID mission staff and USAID/Washington, progress in achieving sector objectives together with commentary on issues and recommended solutions.

Representation and Coordination (25%)

Represent USAID at designated national, regional and international meetings that relate to WASH, including regular participation in national level WASH technical working groups and related committees. Develop, maintain and strengthen working relationships with key partners, including national ministries, local governments, international organizations and other donors, private sector, NGOs, universities and the media to identify and implement efforts to increase synergy among the key stakeholders. Provide briefings to USAID and its partners on the status of USAID water, sanitation and hygiene activities in country. Prepare and deliver presentations on the same issues to local government and USG officials and international and local program partners and colleagues. Serve as the Mission’s representative on all inter-agency forums related to WASH. Organize site visits and prepare orientation materials for delegations from USAID Headquarters, State Department, other agencies, and Congress.

Supervision, Coaching/Mentoring and Staff Support (10%)

Supervises other staff which includes developing annual work objectives, identifying appropriate training opportunities, mentoring, and coaching them in facilitation of  professional development. Conduct regular performance reviews and address any performance challenges that may arise. Work with direct reports to determine training needs, helps identify appropriate training opportunities and ensure fair participation in training. Provide expert advice and guidance to direct reports on matters relating to WASH.


a) Education: A minimum of a master’s degree in environmental management, geology, hydrology, public health, water engineering or related field is required.

b) Prior Work Experience: At least 8 years of progressively responsible technical experience in water supply, sanitation, and hygiene improvement in India. The position requires a combination of managerial, technical, and analytical abilities. Expertise in the areas of sustainable water and sanitation services, hygiene promotion, private sector engagement, finance, sector policy reform, and program design. Experience must have provided the opportunity for policy work, program direction and visioning, strategic planning, and design, and/or program management, especially of complex and high visibility programs. A significant portion of this work experience (at least 5 years) must have been related to international donor funded programs.

c) Language Proficiency: Fluency (Level IV) in English and Hindi language proficiency, in speaking, reading, writing, is required.

d) Job Knowledge: Direct experience in the management of USG, Non-Government Organization (NGO), or other bilateral or multilateral donor-funded projects. Direct hands-on experience on improving water and sanitation services and hygiene promotion in rural and urban areas, informal and formal urban settlements Experience in strengthening policy frameworks and capacity of local governments, utilities, regulatory agencies, etc. Good understanding of strategy, programming and implementation activities of WASH based sector activities. Knowledge of water and sanitation sector development in the relevant region, including understanding of emerging, evidence-based approaches in technology selection, policies/enabling environment, institutional structures, community governance, financing, environmental sustainability, and social/cultural issues including gender.

e) Skills and Abilities: Demonstrated ability in performing at high levels, with minimal supervision and with initiative.

− Excellent communication skills, tact, and diplomacy to explain, interpret, negotiate, report on and otherwise establish sustainable working relations and trust with relevant level Government of India (GoI) officials and other partners and stakeholders.

− Ability to conceptualize, undertake analysis and understand complex programs and to be sensitive to USAID relationships with the GoI, private organizations, donors and other stakeholders.

− Excellent writing skills in order to develop projects, prepare reports, technical papers, briefing papers and other Mission documents.

− Expertise to analyze and interpret policies, assist in policy revision and programming, develop strategies and programs, and develop and execute work plans.

− Proficiency in English to prepare documents, programs, plans, reports and correspondence.

− Capacity to participate in meetings and discussions conducted in English, often in USAID/Washington and in other international fora, as is the ability to present complex ideas.

− Coordinating and organizational skills for application within multicultural work environments.

− Ability to manage multiple complex tasks simultaneously, to work under pressure and produce results, and to work effectively in a collaborative team environment.

− Capacity to manage a variety of complex awards and relationships, identifying and resolving program issues, and ensuring that all activities are carried out in a technically sound and cost-effective manner.

− Computer skills in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.


1. Eligible Offerors are required to complete and submit form DS-174 (Application for Employment as a Locally Employed Staff or Family member(attached). Please note: Must answer all the questions in DS 174 application form. You may also click the link below to access the above form: Link

2. Offerors may attach a covering letter and/or resume/curriculum vitae to support their application.

3. Submit electronic copies of applications to:

4. Applicants must specify the position title in Box No. 1 and solicitation number in Box No. 3 of the Application Form (DS-174). Applications without reference to a specific solicitation number will not be accepted.

5. Offers must be received by the closing date and time specified in Section I, item 3, and submitted to the Point of Contact in Section I.

6. Offeror submissions must clearly reference the Solicitation number on all offeror submitted documents.

7. Ensuring Adequate COVID-19 Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors – The Offeror will be required to show proof that the Offeror is fully vaccinated against COVID-19 on or before the first date of onboarding, or submit an approved reasonable accommodation to the CO. If the contractor does not meet this requirement the contract may be terminated.

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