Website Care India
Project Manager
Grade E
Girls’ Education Program
SOAR ( Strengthening Opportunities for Adolescent Resilience) Project– UP
June, 2022-July 2023
August 2022- July 2023
Director Program
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh , India
50% of total time (Delhi and field location)
CARE is a not-for-profit organization working in India for over 70 years, focusing on alleviating poverty and social injustice. We do this through well-planned and comprehensive projects in health, education, livelihoods and disaster preparedness and response. Our overall goal is the empowerment of women and girls from poor and marginalized communities leading to improvement in their lives and livelihoods.
During FY 2020-21, CARE India directly reached out to 52.7 million people through 53 programmes across 18 states, covering more than 130+ districts. We are part of the CARE International Confederation, working in 100 countries for a world where people live with dignity and security.
CARE India seeks a world of hope, tolerance, and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security.
Our goal is to ensure that women and girls from the most marginalized communities are empowered, live in dignity and their households have secure and resilient lives. CARE India aims to accomplish this goal by working with 50 million people to help them have quality health, education, livelihoods and overcome the effects of disasters.
Our employees are committed to CARE’s values, Code of Conduct, and safeguarding commitments towards a safe workplace for all, including the principle of ‘do no harm’. They are also responsible to uphold and strengthen our safeguarding commitments in their role. To know more about our safeguarding policies please visit our website link given below.
For past two decades, CISSD has been engaging with state governments (Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Odisha, Haryana) and Ministry of Education (MoE) to strengthen the implementation of KGBVs in order to ensure quality education for girls from the most marginalised communities. Key focus areas have been teacher development to teach subjects from grades 6-8, implementation of a bridge curriculum for drop out girls enrolled in KGBVs, building leadership skills in adolescent girls, developing a manual on effective management of KGBVs and training of wardens, and establishing a monitoring and review mechanism including the use of safety audits in KGBVs. In the recent past, all the state governments have upgraded KGBVs to grades 8th-12th to ensure girls complete their secondary school education. State Government of Uttar Pradesh has opened 746 KGBVs so far and is in process of upgrading these KGBVs till 12th in phased manner. Through the upgradation of KGBV schools, girls ages 11-18 years will gain the opportunity to complete their secondary school education. It is therefore crucial for the state government to have a vision for extending access through KGBVs to secondary education and its proper execution to ensure quality education for at-risk adolescent girls and equipping them with 21st century skills.
CISSD will support the state education department of Uttar Pradesh to adopt/adapt CARE”s girls’ leadership model for KGBVs. For this, CISSD will provide technical assistance to the state education department through a technical support unit. The technical unit will closely work with Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) , SCERT and KGBV cell for vision building, acceptance of the model, capacity building, and setting up a monitoring system.
Project Manager has overall execution accountability for the project that is effective from June 2022-July 2023 and is accountable for delivering results at the state level. Project Manager is expected to establish an effective relationship with SSA and KGBV cell for smooth implementation of the project.
Project Manager will ensure that TSU closely work with In-charge-KGBV Cell at SSA to ensure all KGBVs in state have a safe and secure environment for girls and they get opportunity to build 21st century skills. Besides, the technical support to state SSA office, PM will ensure developing selected KGBVs (upgraded) as model through direct implementation by project team and documenting the learnings from model KGBVs to other KGBVs through TSU.
S/he will coordinate interventions; develop project operational strategy ; measure project progress, performance, and impact; and manage the integration of learning and innovation. The Project Manager will manage the technical support unit consisting of two positions- Girls’ Education Coordinator, who will support in developing curriculum/teaching learning materials, conducting safety audits and coordination with district gender coordinators to ensure its implementation in KGBVs.
S/he will also be accountable for representation with State government, and participation in senior-level partner and stakeholder events and meetings. S/he will oversee the preparation of quarterly and annual project reports, MEL reports, and other deliverables, as specified in the project framework and required by SSA-UP & SCERT-UP
Build State level Government relationship and Management
- Establish, nurture, and maintain relationships with the SSA and SCERT
- Participate in government coordination meetings at state and national levels to discuss girls’ education related issues
- Engage and advocate on issues of girls’ education to senior government officials at the state level
- Ensure state AWP&B reflects context specific activities for girls’ education
- Take lead in technically organising monthly/quarterly review and planning meetings with district gender coordinators to build their perspective on key concepts of gender, girls’ leadership, safety and security and development of district AWP&B
- Support KGBV in-charge in making presentations on KGBVs/girls’ education for state government officials/ MoE
- Develop an updated database of educational indicators especially related to girls in context of Jharkhand
Management, Oversight and Guidance to Technical Support Unit
- Oversee the functioning of Technical Support Unit and its work with SSA-UP and SCERT
- Coordinate with GEP-CSO team for technical inputs on the project and government priorities
- Provide ongoing supervision, leadership, support, guidance, and mentoring to TSU • Promote and model a working style aligned with the organization’s core values that encourages optimal performance of project staff
- Complete all performance management activities including performance planning, monitoring, and annual performance appraisals. Be Updated and ensure CARE USA compliance, financial and reporting requirement
- Ensure that CARE/ Project specific policies Gender, Equity, and Diversity principles are mainstreamed into the project deliverables.Oversee execution of project work plan, monitoring, evaluation, and reportingEnsure project work plan is implemented as per the timelines with appropriate budget expenditure
- Ensure project achieve its outcomes as per the project M&E framework
- Develop monthly/quarterly/annual donor report (narrative and financial) with required data/evidence as per given template and ensure timely submission
- Organise monthly review and planning meeting with TSU and CSO
- Respond and act upon internal audit recommendations
- Take lead in creating a state level monitoring system for KGBVs and orient district gender coordinators on the same.
Project documentation and packaging of knowledge products
- Ensure all the knowledge products/training modules are developed timely and packaged systematically for institutional usage and sustainability of project initiatives
- Develop project brief and ensure documentation of best practices in KGBVs to share with district/state/national level institutions for its uptake
1. External -Key officials in SSA-UP, Government of Uttar Pradesh at state and district level State Project Director
- State KGBV In-charge
- District Education Officers and
- District Gender /Girls’ Education Coordinators2. Internal- Head- GEP & Sr Technical
- Specialist- Education
- Master’s or advanced degree in Education/Management, Social Sciences, or a closely related field
- Minimum of 8-10 years of middle to senior-level management experience on donor-funded programs, particularly on girls’ education, teacher development, system strengthening
- Experience with two or more of the following specializations: Gender and Equity, out of school programming, Girls’ leadership/21st century skills, Monitoring and Assessment system.
- Specialized course/s in gender in education
- Prior experience of working with national and/or state governments
- Understanding of National Education Policy of India and Current challenges and opportunities around girls’ education in India and Uttar Pradesh
Communication skills:
Able to articulate and communicate well to all stakeholders (both verbally and in writing) in a manner that meets the different needs of different audiences
Language skills:
Able to read, write and speak in local language at an expert level
Team Management & Collaboration / People skills:
- High social intelligence: able to engage and influence teams, create relationships of trust with stakeholders
- Adept at co-creation: naturally collaborative and solutions focused conflict resolution: comfortable with negotiating and resolving conflict; seeking clarity and testing assumptions
- Able to reflect, empathetic, and a good listener
Strategic Thinking and Analysis:
Big picture / critical thinker (able to think clearly and rationally and select the best method as appropriate) / connector (able to spot gaps, establish needs and opportunities)
Change Management:
Resilient: able to deal well with ambiguity, uncertainty, and change
Flexible: able to adapt well to shifting priorities
Versatile: able to juggle different and conflicting priorities
Operational excellence (Project / Program / Process management):
- Able to successfully manage project/process deliverables in stipulated time and budget
- Able to incorporate feedback and continually work on project / process improvement
To apply for this job please visit careindiacareers.peoplestrong.com.