Website International Labour Organization
About the Organization
The only tripartite U.N. agency, since 1919 the ILO brings together governments, employers and workers of 187 Member States , to set labour standards, develop policies and devise programmes promoting decent work for all women and men.
Job Description/Responsibilities:
The Project Manager will be responsible for the day-to-day implementation and ensuring the delivery of agreed outputs through quality assurance, including the following areas:
Project Management:
- Ensure effective coordination and planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, timely and substantive project reporting, and effective communication of the project activities, in conformity with ILO policies and project strategies as set out in the project document, and in accordance with ILO programming guidelines and country/action programmes, and administrative and financial procedures, in consultation with the responsible technical support units.
- Responsible for the effective management of funds/budget assigned to the project through work planning processes.
- Efficient management of the human resources of the project including recruitment, performance and talent management aspects.
- Liaison with stakeholders on all aspects of project implementation.
Facilitation of technical support:
- Ensure close consultation with the relevant Decent Work Team Specialists in Delhi, particularly the Social Dialogue and Labour Administration Specialist, Senior Employers’ Activities Specialist and Workers’ Activities Specialist.
- Through the relevant Decent Work Team: Delhi Specialists, obtain as needed, technical support from relevant technical units in Geneva.
Advocacy, networking and partnership:
- Foster relations with the relevant Tamil Nadu government departments and entities, Employers’ and Workers’ organizations, trade unions, brands, research and training institutions, and other stakeholders and promote the collaborative planning and implementation of project activities.
- Liaise with the other UN agencies counterparts to promote ILO’s values, increase the project’s visibility and facilitate the scaling-up of the project’s interventions.
- Ensure effective coordination with other relevant projects, including those being undertaken by other agencies or in complementary fields of activity.
Knowledge management:
- Ensure the development information collection and reporting systems for project activities, prepare periodic and ad hoc reports on the status of project planning and implementation, and establish coordination with concerned ILO departments and programmes.
- Identify training needs and organize training workshops and meetings for the tripartite partners, NGOs, other agencies, target groups and staff as appropriate to reinforce capabilities.
- Participate on behalf of the Office at project meetings, seminars and evaluations and build and enhance strategic partnerships and sub-regional networks of government policymakers, worker’s and employer’s organizations and civil society organizations.
Education Qualification/Required Skills & Experience
- University degree in law, public administration, social sciences or industrial engineering or related qualification.
At least two years of professional experience at the national level in the area of project management and implementation. Ability to build relationships with and navigate different priorities of relevant stakeholders. Proven experience in working effectively with the tripartite constituents is required. Experience engaging multinational companies and other stakeholders will be an advantage. ILO experience in the relevant field will be an advantage. Experience in training, capacity building, research and decent work in supply chains, in particular electronics manufacturing supply chains will be an advantage.
Technical requirements: Good knowledge and relevant professional experience at the national level preferably in the electronics sector and with decent work challenges and opportunities. Work experience with the government, social partners, civil society and other stakeholders. Knowledge of labour dispute resolution, policy making, tripartite consultation, collective bargaining, grievance handling and workplace cooperation would be an advantage.
Excellent command of English is required. Knowledge of Tamil would be an advantage.
To apply for this job please visit jobs.ilo.org.