Website Poverty Action Lab
Project Title: Smart Plugs for energy demand flexibility project at J-PAL South Asia
Country: India
Location: To be decided
Start Date: 1 June 2023
Language: English, Hindi
Length of Commitment: 1 year
Education: Bachelor’s/Master’s
Organization: J-PAL South Asia at IFMR
Company Description:
J-PAL South Asia, based at the Institute of Financial Research and Management in India, seeks a Research Associate to support its research activities under the project – Adoption and Use of Smart Plugs for Demand Side Management in India. We are looking for a high-calibre individual who can leverage their knowledge and experience to lead conversations with government partners and lead data collection activities in the city chosen for the study. The candidate will be expected to relocate to the city where the discom will be headquartered or where the chosen sample is selected.
Project Description:
This study seeks to test the drivers and barriers related to the adoption of “smart plugs” as means of increasing demand flexibility at the appliance level that can ultimately reduce energy usage at peak times in India. Such demand flexibility feeds into India’s national objective of expanding renewable energy and reducing the need for fossil fuel back-up generation for ensuring reliability of power supply at peak times.
Research Associate Roles and Responsibilities:
The RA will work closely with academic researchers and other field staff to perform a variety tasks including, but not limited to:
- Engaging with government stakeholders, especially Discoms. The candidate will be expected to relocate.
- Understanding demand side management, demand response pilots and communicating to stakeholders, how our proposed pilot fits into the landscape
- Content creation for workshops/advisory as may relevant to the engagement
- Coordinating with Principal Investigators to implement data collection and administrative data analysis
- Independently leading primary data collection activities which involves, preparing survey questionnaires, hiring and training a survey team, conducting high frequency data quality checks to ensure data quality
- Coordinating with other partner organisations on clear distribution of tasks and timelines
- Any other tasks as requested, including desk/literature survey and support in preparation of meetings, presentations, updates to government stakeholders and principal investigators.
Required skills:
- Knowledge of statistical packages – R and STATA is required.
- Prior experience with on-field primary data collection
Desired skills and qualifications:
- Master’s degree in economics, public policy, mathematics, statistics, data science or related fields.
- Prior experience working with stakeholders, conducting primary data collection, and exposure to the energy and environment sector is desirable.
- We are looking for a commitment period of 14 months for this position.
Note on Work Authorizations:
- Candidates must have work authorization to work in India. This covers citizens of India, Nepal or Bhutan, Persons of Indian origin (PIO), and an Overseas Citizens of India (OCI).
To apply for this job please visit www.povertyactionlab.org.