Job Opportunity for Road Safety Specialist at Save Life Foundation in Delhi

Website Save Life Foundation

Role Overview:

This role is responsible to conduct audits on allotted roads / highways (“Zero Fatality Corridors”), as per procedures set-in-place; identify gaps or faults and prepare audit reports. He would also find new opportunities to further strengthen the process of audit and suggest innovative solutions for overall improvement in road safety.

Key Responsibilities:

• Identify key stakeholders in PWD, Transport Department, Traffic Police, other Government Departments to work closely with

• Engage with key stakeholders along with Reporting Manager so as to identify stretches of highways where accidents are on the rise or for other strategic reasons could be taken up by SLF

• Conduct preliminary Audit on identified roads / highways from the perspective of Road Safety; analyse data and submit report to concerned stakeholders

• Conduct discussions with key stakeholders to help get permission to work on identified roads

• Develop / Upgrade Audit Framework with guidelines and assessments parameters

• Make plans for conducting Audits on identified Roads

• Conduct Audits according to approved Plan following the Audit Framework

• Analyse Audit data to report findings on gaps and development areas

• Make Audit Report with findings and recommendations for infrastructure improvements, road engineering / highway engineering solutions, road safety products, traffic calming measures, etc

• Provide suggestions to Crash Investigators on identified gaps in stretch of roads and spots to focus

• Keep track of road accidents / other significant incidents on identified Corridors

• Visit crash sites, at times, along with Crash Investigating team

• Work with Vendors to learn about new solutions available or install those as approved

• Be associated with relevant technical forums or associations of highway engineers, to identify all the new technical research in the field of Road engineering and identification / rectification of the black spots and the crash investigations.

• Actively participate in organization initiatives, planning and review discussions

• Adhere to timelines of performance appraisals

*Any other additional responsibility could be assigned to the role holder from time to time. The same
would be discussed between the incumbent and reporting manager

Role Specifications:


• Degree in Civil Engineering

• Degree / Diploma in Road Safety

• Road Safety Audit Certification


• At least 5 Years’ Experience in Crash Investigation, Road Safety Audits

Key Behavioural attributes

● Execution Focus

o Building Trust & Relationships

o Impact & Influence

o Planning & Organizing

o Communication

● Learning Focus

o Learning Orientation

o Analytical Thinking

● Adherence to Core Values of SLF

o Dependability

o Integrity

o Mutual Respect

o Spirit of Public Service

o Leadership

o Excellence

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