Job Opportunity for Senior Manager, Strategy and Learning at Indus Action in Delhi/Lucknow

Website Indus Action

Brief about the organization: 

Indus Action’s mission is to support 1 million vulnerable families move out of poverty by 2030 via a portfolio of high-leverage welfare schemes and rights. In the last 7 years, we’ve helped state governments build and implement interventions that have helped lakhs of citizens achieve better education and health access outcomes. 

VISION 2030 – Enabling 2.5 million+ vulnerable families, sustainable access to legislated rights through PoWER

MISSION – Enabling vulnerable families, sustainable access to legislated rights


Primary responsibilities include: 

● Monitoring and Evaluation 

○ Design and manage Monitoring and Evaluation frameworks for the organization. ○ Set up and manage systems that can help gauge impact and inform program implementation. 

● Data Management 

○ Designing and managing data frameworks and workflows across the organization. ○ Analysing program data and ensuring high quality of the data collected through periodic checks. 

○ Standardise report formats and set up dashboards to share insights and analysis. ○ Engage with external organizations for advanced data analysis , when necessary, by defining objectives and tracking progress. 

● Citizen outreach – Helplines 

○ Manage Call outreach workflows, through internal systems and through external organizations. 

○ Define and track KPIs to ensure optimum level of operations.

● Strategic Planning 

○ Engaging in brainstorming sessions with the team to identify problems and hypothesize causes and solutions. 

○ Supporting in active cultivation and maintenance of relationships with internal and external partners/stakeholders. 

○ Conducting research and literature review to draw from the best practices in strategic planning, monitoring, change management and organizational development. 

○ Supporting in strategizing operational plans of the organization. 

● PMU Operations 

– Support development of new project strategies and engage with partners for building strategic partnerships for PoWER. 

– Build decentralised capacity of team members to manage helpline work flows and data systems and reporting mechanisms 

– Engage with Govt partners on impact trend analysis and support team members to refine execution plans for optimizing impact. 


Knowledge and Technical Skills: 

● Strong project management skills 

● Strong analytical (data/evidence gathering, analysis and interpretation, hypotheses framing and validation) and research capabilities 

● Excellent communication and interpersonal skills 

● Strong Excel capabilities 

● Comfort with technology usage and products 

Competencies and Values: 

● Rigour and attention to detail 

● Time management, ability to keep calm during pressure situations 

● Ability to influence multiple stakeholders 

● Result-driven and outcome focused-approach 

● Adaptable and flexible in working style, comfortable with ambiguity

Education and Experience: 

We believe that reaching our vision demands that we have the best and brightest group of leaders working to lead our organisation. Here are the minimum qualifications we look for: 

● Bachelor’s Degree from any stream 

● Background in technology and data required 

● 3+ years of work experience in consulting or project management is required 



The Senior Manager  will be compensated based on Indus Action’s compensation benchmarking rubric – 5-8 LPA

Location: Lucknow, New Delhi

To apply for this job please visit