Job Opportunity for Senior Software Engineer – DevOps at Digital Green in Bengaluru

Website Digital Green

Digital Green is looking for an experienced DevOps Engineer to join our growing technology team. The DevOps engineer will be responsible for deploying product updates, identifying production issues, managing our open source code repositories, and implementing CI/CD pipelines that meet our internal team, external open community, external partners and end customer needs. In doing this the DevOps engineer will collaborate with the Development and Operations teams to build, test and deploy software in short, fast bursts


  • Implementing various development, testing, automation tools, and IT infrastructure
  • Defining and setting development, test, release, update, and support processes for DevOps operation
  • Identifying and deploying cybersecurity measures by continuously performing vulnerability assessment and risk management
  • Selecting and deploying appropriate CI/CD tools
  • Strive for continuous improvement and build continuous integration, continuous development, and constant deployment pipeline (CI/CD Pipeline)
  • Maintain github repositories, working on ways to automate and improve development and release processes 


  • Advanced working knowledge of scripting and programming languages such as Bash, Golang, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, etc
  • Understanding of Django and Node for smooth deployment of backend systems
  • Design and administer systems on Linux, experience working with AWS (IAM, IAM, EC2, VPC, ELB, ALB, Autoscaling, Lambda) and Azure
  • Experience working with version controlling tools like GitHub, containersing & clustering tools like Docker, Kubernetes and Nginx.
  • Responsible for deployments for high availability, scalability and reliability
  • Design and implement platforms for monitoring, log processing, metric collection and data visualization using tools like ELK
  • Ensure security protocols in place for infrastructure
  • Design and implement CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Circle CI, TravisCI, GitLab etc.,
  • Experience working with monitoring tools like CloudWatch, Sentry etc.,
  • Experience working with configuration management tools like Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Terraform etc.,
  • In Depth understanding of various databases like MySQL, NoSQL
  • Strong analytic skills related to working with unstructured datasets.

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