Website Aga Khan Rural Support Programme
Skills & Competencies required:
- Experience and in-depth understanding of the rural governance institutions and processes.
- Experience of working with Panchayats and government line departments is a must for this position.
- In depth understanding of women’s self-help groups, micro-finance, and women empowerment related aspects.
- In depth understanding of monitoring, evaluations, and reporting functions particularly in development sector programmes
- Basic understanding of community health programs particularly focused on nutrition
Good training skills - Good communications skills including writing skills
- Willingness to travel in remote areas
- Willingness to liaison with government, banks, donors etc
- English language proficiency is must to execute this function. Working knowledge of Hindi is desirable.
Job Profile: - This is a senior management position. Selected candidate is expected to lead AKRSP(I)’s programs on community-based organisations, rural governance, community health, and women self-help groups.
- Leading a multi-state team engaged in rural governance and community collectives’ program of the organization.
- It requires intensive capacity building of PRIs, activating gram sabhas and facilitating entitlements for the poorest.
- Leading and establishing a program on community health and nutrition.
- Promoting large scale livelihood activities among SHG members using savings or bank credit.
- Leading the expansion of programs for the poorest households across all geographies.
- Preparing and operationalizing strategy for inclusive programs across all verticals of the organization.
- Preparing and operationalizing strategy for large scale leverage of resources from flagship government schemes such as MGNREGA, NRLM etc.
- Liaison with donor agencies, SRLMs, government agencies, and other related agencies for fund mobilization and policy related partnerships.
- Capacity building of field teams on various aspects of rural governance, community collectives and inclusiveness.
- Preparing regular progress reports along with regular evaluation of major projects related to rural governance and community collectives.
To apply for this job please visit www.akrspindia.org.in.