Job Opportunity for Training Manager, Schools Program at Quest Alliance in Bengaluru

Website Quest Alliance

Job Description

At Quest Alliance, we transform learning ecosystems through education technology, capacity building, and collaboration to build 21st-century skills for learners and facilitators

We are a not-for-profit trust that focuses on research-led innovation and advocacy in the field of teaching and learning. We engage with educators, civil society, government institutions and corporate organizations to demonstrate and enable scalable and replicable solutions in school education and vocational training

At Quest, you will get the opportunity to apply your skills and contribute to addressing issues around quality education and skills training. The organization gives you the space to learn and grow in a fun and engaging environment.  We have an eclectic group of people working at Quest drawn from diverse disciplines including Education, Technology, Design, Youth Development and Business. 

About the Role

Quest Alliance has been working in the school ecosystem for the past few years. In 2018 we piloted a program to build a life, career, and coding skills among adolescent girls (grades 8 and 9) from government schools in urban areas of Bangalore, Hyderabad and Delhi and reached out to 5500 girls. Currently, this program has scaled to 11 states covering more than 3 lakh students across 1000+ schools. The program is being implemented through two models, directly by Quest Employees and through implementation partners. Currently, we have 10 implementation partners. This is the 4th year of the program and we are wanting to make a shift towards a teacher-led approach. The idea is to seed some good practices from the program in the school ecosystem and enable the teachers to take them forward. For this, we have designed the MasterCoach training program – a 30-hour blended teacher professional development course. 

About the MasterCoach Program 

The objective is to develop teachers as 21st-century educators. Your role as the training manager is going to be critical to roll out the MasterCoach Program across multiple states. MasterCoach for Teachers is an in-service teacher training program to equip them with 21st Century facilitation skills, social capital & a roadmap for their professional growth. MasterCoach for Teachers is envisioned to work with 2000+ teachers from 9 States this year and make them change-makers in the system to transform the schools.

MasterCoach for Teachers empowers teachers & schools by:

  • Identify one’s own professional development needs and provide guidance and tools to upskill based on the needs of growing children in the current century
  • Set up online and offline classrooms that foster the learning of 21st-century skills
  • Learn a 21st-century framework and its relevance to teaching-learning
  • Learn and apply NEP / globally recommended teaching approaches suitable to meeting 21st-century learning needs and goals
  • Understand your learners better and learn strategies to engage with different kinds of learners
  • Gain awareness of emerging career options and learn simple activities to facilitate career exploration among your students
  • Explore computational thinking and STEM mindsets and learn techniques to sharpen these skills and mindsets among students
  • Reflect on the values, mindset and teaching practices of a 21st-century educator and identity your own strengths and areas for development
  • Reflect on gender-based mindsets and learn strategies to have gender-inclusive learning spaces
  • Lead an action/ change project to identify and address real challenges in your class/ school using skills learnt in the course
  • Know and engage your parents and communities effectively to leverage them as influences and contributors to their children’s education.

Key Responsibilities

In your role as the Training Manager you will be responsible for:

  • Holding the vision for the MasterCoach program and ensuring operational efficiency with quality in its execution
  • Co-create the design and conceptualization of the time-Bound, quality-focused implementation approach of Mastercoach for Teachers course in consultation with the state teams and empower the State teams to transition into a teacher-led model.
  • Perform user research for each of the MCT cohorts and arrive at a resilient, user-friendly course uptake, implementation, and completion model to enhance the relevance of the course for the states
  • Ensure development and sharing of impact reports, and stories, learning as and when required.
  • Collect active feedback from the state teams on the MasterCoach program experience and course correct the program experience which includes content, technology and pedagogy.
  • Developing state, regional and national events, panels, and narratives to position the course as an enabler building 21st-century educators

Integrate the MasterCoach strategy into the Systems Change program design for key strategic states  – Program Strategy and Design

  • Karnataka and Odisha are emerging as key strategic states for the program where the education departments are showing a keen interest in the teacher education approach
  • Cocreate a holistic program design with the state teams which empowers the systems change in the state.
  • Contribute to the overall program design and strategy based on the feedback from participants during the capacity-building activities
  • As part of the systems change design, develop a community of practice of teachers to take forward the good practices and become champions of 21st-century education in their ecosystem. This will entail: Developing the concept for the community of practice, Identifying relevant teachers, Having an engagement plan for them, Piloting the approach in Odisha, to begin with 

Bringing in data-driven thinking and decision-making to improve the program implementation

  • Anchor the design of the data dashboard for the MasterCoach program
  • Review the progress data of teachers as they engage with the course and review the reports generated by the monitoring team
  • Share the insights from the progress report with the state teams and devise follow-up strategies to enhance teacher engagement with the course
  • Share the data insights in the relevant team forums to help teams understand what is working, what needs improvement and what are the teacher engagement patterns that are emerging
  • Bring field insights into the capacity-building design and review

Build capacity of state and partner teams to understand the teacher capacity-building approach and execute it 

  • Mentor and build the capacity of the team of school coaches, e-tutors, coordinators, webinar facilitators, and trainers for the Mastercoach for teachers in all states for smooth implementation of the MasterCoach Program 
  • Developing the capacity calendar in consultation with the different state teams. Having an annual, quarterly, and monthly plan in advance and communicating it to all relevant stakeholders
  • Designing the capacity-building journey for different stakeholders – e-tutors, teachers and headmasters, and master trainers.
  • This can include a mix of experiential workshops, webinars, virtual engagement, curating a resource library, etc.
  • Defining the approach to capacity building for the MasterCoach program
  • Rooting the design in the QA philosophy and self-learning and program objectives
  • Work with state teams to anchor the task forces for the implementation of the MasterCoach program
  • On-site support to e-tutors and facilitators on supporting teachers in engaging with the program 

Anchor the development of the concept and practice of teacher recognition 

  • As part of the teacher capacity strategy, we want to pilot the teacher recognition program
  • This will entail developing the concept in consultation with the state teams and executing it across the different states
  • It will require engaging with the partners to execute this at the district and state level
  • Compile the good practices identified and ensure a dissemination plan in place for it – state wise

Relationship Building and Stakeholders Management

  • Support the government engagement and relationship-building process for the state leads by helping them position MasterCoach in alignment with state priorities
  • Ensure the growth and development of your reportees by engaging with them in their learning journey
  • Ensure smooth coordination and communication with the state and partner teams and the other relevant thematic leads
  • Develop and ensure ongoing management of partnerships with subject matter experts or think tanks and third parties 

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