Website SNEHA
A secular, Mumbai-based non-profit organisation, SNEHA believes that investing in women’s health is essential to building viable urban communities. SNEHA targets four large public health areas: Maternal and Newborn Health, Child Health and Nutrition, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Prevention of Violence against Women and Children. Our approach is two-pronged: it recognises that in order to improve urban health standards, our initiatives must target both care seekers and care providers. We work at the community level to empower women and slum communities to be catalysts of change in their own right and collaborate with existing public health systems and health car providers to create sustainable improvements in urban health.
‘Romila Palliative Care- – supports patients with life-limiting illnesses, primarily those with cancer. ‘Romila’ means ‘heartfelt’ and symbolizes the loving, compassionate and competent care that this project hopes to provide patients to enable them to live a life of dignity and hope through their illness. It will also support their family and care-givers to help them look after the patient better, with greater assurance and confidence.
We would like to start Yoga sessions for RPC patients and caregivers
Yoga Teacher needs to take 12 sessions per month and some additional need based activities.
Applications to be sent via email to damini.pandey@snehamumbai.org with Subject line: “Yoga Teacher – RPC
To apply for this job email your details to damini.pandey@snehamumbai.org