RFP: Sashakti (Women Empowerment) by SBI Foundation

The proposed projects under SBIF- Sashakti should focus on one of the interventions mentioned under the thematic area and must broadly follow the framework as mentioned below:

Thematic area: Women Empowerment Interventions under which proposals are invited: (Note: A NGO can submit separate proposal for single or multiple interventions as mentioned below)

  • Intervention 1: Psychosocial Counselling Centres addressing Violence Against Women in communities
  • Intervention 2: Shelter homes and Rescue Homes for Women affected by violence
  • Intervention 3: Working with Women involved in commercial sex work
  • Intervention 4: Livelihood intervention for women (SC, ST, Widows, PwDs, EWS, BPL, Victims of Trafficking and Sex Workers)

For more information, visit: Link

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