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Strenghtening Civil Societies
With the CCP Fellowships, the CrossCulture Programme (CCP) funds professionals and committed volunteers from more than 40 countries each year. During two to three months of work-related stays in host organisations in Germany or CCP partner countries, participants deepen their expertise, establish new contacts and acquire intercultural skills. In turn, the host organisations benefit from the expertise, regional knowledge and networks of the CCP Fellows. Participants can also attend transcultural workshops, networking and professional events hosted by the CCP. After returning to their daily working lives, participants then bring the experience they have gained into their home organisation.
In 2024, fellowships will be offered as digital as well as on-site fellowships. Subject to funding by the German Federal Foreign Office and based on their personal situation and COVID-19 entry requirements, participants may decide on one of these two options.
What are the prerequisites?
- The applicant must be at least 23 years old at the time of the application.
- At least two years of proven professional experience or volunteer work in a civil society organisation in the country of origin.
- Good written and spoken English skills.
- The applicant is in good health for a longer stay abroad.
- The applicant has been or is socially engaged for the long term.
- The applicant can prove full-time experience in their field of work.
- A collaboration with an organisation in the target country is in progress or planned.
- The applicant possesses further language skills, particularly German.
Fellowships are principally awarded to people working in one of the following fields:
- Policy and society
- Media and culture
- Human rights and peace
- Sustainable development and climate justice
In addition, in 2024, the following key topic will also be focussed on:
- Circular economy
- Gender and diversity
Eligibility criteria: Students cannot participate in the programme. A scholarship cannot be awarded if the intended recipient already receives another scholarship at the same time.
To apply for this job please visit www.ifa.de.