Website Navgurukul
About NavGurukul
We (navgurukul.org) are a Section-8 company, and run a one-year residential course for students from underrepresented communities to learn Software Engineering – get jobs (vocation!) and work towards the betterment of the surrounding communities (this is what we need, really – more problem solvers!). We have launched an online course and currently working with 2200+ learners. We have a capacity of 600 students in our residential centres (2 in Bangalore, 1 in Pune, 1 in Dharamshala), and are in process of adding another 600 seats through four different states by March 2022.
Our campuses are completely self-governed spaces that are totally managed by the students. Cooking food, making products from locally grown bamboo, and learning to code. The students at NavGurukul lead everything on their own.
Roles and responsibilities aren’t limited to;
- Establish a good rapport with students.
- Organize Academic Support, Student Support, and Parent and Community Engagement
- Meet on a regular and consistent basis with students and staff to share information about the academic activities and work with them to ensure student progress in regard to student development & academic activities.
- Perform an academic audit to ensure quality in classroom delivery, monthly/quarterly/half-yearly/Annual reviews, classroom observation of teaching faculty members.
- Coordinate with Academic Lead & take effective decisions to manage day-to-day academic happening on the campus
- Identify the training needs related to pedagogy, software & programming skills, etc and organize workshops/ development sessions with students
- Coordinate & manage academic activities on the campus to ensure the quality delivery of the program
To apply for this job please visit recruiterflow.com.