Website HelpAge India
- Manage the health related work of the Mobile Healthcare Unit (MHU), ensuring that the desired services are provided.
- Make home visits for the patients who cannot come to the MMU centre / site.
- Provide group counselling to elders at the Mobile Healthcare Unit (MHU) sites on the health issues.
- Ensure that Mobile Healthcare Unit (MHU) reports, records, registers and other related documents are filled, maintained and updated.
- Assist Project Officers in conducting the Health awareness camps/ education activities.
- Should have excellent communication skills, both written and oral. Knowledge of local language is essential.
- Should be computer savvy.
- Should be sensitive to the cause of the organisation.
- This is a contractual appointment. Emoluments will be commensurate with skills and in line with those in the sector.
Interested candidates may apply within 15 days at hr@helpageindia.org.
To apply for this job please visit www.helpageindia.org.