Website Mantra4Change
ARISE- All Round Improvement of School Education
Through our ARISE project we strive to promote quality education in schools serving the socio-economically disadvantaged population of the country. Through a multi-staged School Improvement Framework and holistic approach, ARISE intends to bring in coherence to school-wide activities aimed at re-defining and improving the quality of outcomes expected at partner schools.
This role is most suited for those who wish to work in schools and explore his/her opportunities in the education sector in the long term – either as a professional or social entrepreneur.
Roles and Responsibilities
1. Develop ARISE School Engagement Plan
● Work along with MANTRA’s team to connect and build relationships with partner schools
● Based on the ARISE framework, analyse needs and co-create a School Engagement Plan for the academic year at designated schools
2. Implementation of ARISE at school site
● Create action plan to lead change efforts at school site using existing tools and programs under ARISE
● Primary engagement will be through implementation of ARISE’s’s core student and teacher development program, with scheduled training and follow up plans
● Implementation will also involve piloting need based programs AND/OR integrating existing programs/solutions from partner organisations
3. Manage relationships
● Foster positive relationships with teachers, school staff and other stakeholders to get buy-in on change efforts required at school level
● Identify and forge new external partnerships with organisations/people aimed at addressing pressing needs at school site
Participate in meetings, workshops or related forums/events, as required by school or MANTRA
4. Documenting and reporting
● Lead efforts to document and report progress and gaps at school site on a monthly basis
● Adapt tools or surveys to evaluate, collect data and document stakeholder(parents, teachers, students) response to intervention
● Analyse feedback to continually improve effectiveness of program and implementation
The 20% with ARISE
20% of your work-time as part of ARISE will be allotted for collaborative learning in the initial months. This will later evolve into an opportunity, as an individual, to investigate a new idea – to innovate, to create. There are three primary focus areas you could explore that can directly contribute to the project:
- Student learning and leadership
- School Leadership & School Culture
- Teacher Efficacy & Effective Teaching-Learning Process
- Parent & Community Engagement
This would help identify your area of interest and explore learning opportunities, something that will contribute towards your self-development and career growth in the long run.
To apply for this job please visit mantra4change.kekahire.com.