Website Azim Premji Foundation
Job Description:
Azim Premji Foundation began its work in 2001 with a vision to contribute to a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society. Our aim is to help improve the quality and equity of India’s public education system. In the last two decades, our work in education has grown manifold, and has expanded to span many dimensions of human well-being and development. The Foundation’s operations are in three units that work in tandem: Field Institutions, University, and Philanthropy
Azim Premji University was setup in Bangalore in 2010 to serve the vision of the Foundation through significant interventions in higher education, including teaching and research. We are in the process of setting up a second university campus in Bhopal. The University’s teaching and research programmes span a wide range of fields of human development, from school education, sustainability and governance, to law, public policy and public health. Our undergraduate programmes provide rigorous education in the full range of disciplines, from the physical and biological sciences, mathematics, to humanities and social sciences.
As an integral part of the Foundation, the University is an entirely philanthropic endeavour, and is thus able to provide extensive scholarships to students and run programmes which are critical to capacity creation and knowledge generation in fields of human development, but which cannot be financially self sustaining. The University’s activities are intended to –
- Prepare graduates with competence, integrity and social commitment.
- Expand knowledge in education, development and other fields of human development through research.
- Support and enhance the work of the education and development sectors in the country through continuing education.
- Contribute to change in policy and practice in the Indian education and development sectors through advocacy and public communication
The University Library :
The University library is part of the Knowledge Management team (KRC) of the Azim Premji Foundation. It functions as a key enabler team to the University.
The objectives of the University library team are:
- Provide integrated knowledge resources needed for teaching, research, practice and institution building for all University members and students.
- Serve as a custodian for all knowledge resources acquired as part of the University assets.
- Create a culture of proactive knowledge seeking by University members and students that fully utilizes offline and online resources available with us and the network of libraries within and outside India.
- Aim to provide excellent knowledge services, wherever possible, to the larger learning community and scholars outside the University through free open access resources and special external memberships to individuals and organizations that work with us.
- Imagine, create and maintain the physical premises of the Knowledge Centre to enable an environment of learning for all our users.
- Ensure that relevant technological advances in knowledge management and library services are integrated in a cost effective manner to support all of the above.
Qualifications :
- Ph.D. or equivalent in Library Sciences with relevant research publications.
- Ten years experience in leading the library team of a reputed research or academic institution in India.
- Some relevant exposure or experience in working with voluntary organizations, government and other purely non academic institutions ( Desirable)
The Librarian, Azim Premji University is expected to provide leadership to the librarians in KRC. S/he will be working from our integrated Bangalore campus. S/he will also seed the future Bhopal library team and build their capacity to organize the setup and growth of the library in our Bhopal campus. S/he will also network with all the Azim Premji Foundation Libraries in our Field Institutes and Schools as well as partner institutions supported by the Philanthropy Initiative to maintain high standards of provisioning knowledge and information services to our users.
Competencies :
• Deep research and operational understanding of knowledge management and library sciences.
• Excellent communication, team spirit, and ability to build an understanding of the library team’s work with the leadership team and all Schools and enablers to the University
• External networking for partnerships, knowledge events, recruitment, technology platforms, and collection building
• Ability to network and source updated information on work plans of all teams in the University and match library team strategy to this.
• Continuous mentoring and capacity building of all our Librarians.
• Understanding of socio-economic issues and a commitment to the vision of building a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society through knowledge services.
Years Of Exp.:
Above 10 Years
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
To apply for this job please visit careers.azimpremjifoundation.org.