Funding Opportunity: AmplifyChange Opportunity Grant

About the Organization

Investing in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) is the right thing to do, and it is essential to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. AmplifyChange has investments from a number of donors. With this funding, we provide grants to hundreds of civil society organisations (CSOs) across the world. They advocate for improved policy and action on the most neglected SRHR issues.

AmplifyChange launched in 2014 as a project by a consortium led by MannionDaniels with the African Women’s Development Fund and Global Fund for Women. In early 2020, AmplifyChange registered as an independent not-for-profit organisation. With continued shrinking civil spaces, SRHR assaults, and the gendered pandemic effect, civil society organisations need support to advocate for SRHR more than ever.

About the Grant

Opportunity grants aim to nurture and encourage innovative ideas and approaches on SRHR advocacy in new contexts. They allow local, small civil society and grassroots organisations to drive the advocacy agenda and ensure change happens.

For this Opportunity grant call, AmplifyChange seeks to fund civil society organisations that aim to implement projects focusing on sexual and reproductive health rights.  The duration of an Opportunity grant can be 18 or 24 months. This funding round is open for applications up to £75,000 GBP. We encourage you to be realistic and apply for the amount that is best for your organisation and project. 

The purpose of this Opportunity grant call is to fund civil society organisations, support their advocacy work, and strengthen them so they can bring about positive change in one of the AmplifyChange priority themes or an intersection or combination of themes:

  • Eliminating gender-based violence, including sexual violence, female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) and child marriage
  • Increasing safe abortion choices
  • Challenging stigma and discrimination, attitudes and laws that undermine human rights, including based on gender or sexual orientation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) individuals
  • Improving sexual health of young people and girls, including comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), promoting menstrual health and youth-friendly service delivery
  • Increasing access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services for poor, vulnerable and marginalised people

AmplifyChange is committed to supporting pleasure-inclusive sexual health and sex positivity within SRHR. We are endorsers of The Pleasure Principles, which have taken evidence and best practice from pleasure-based sexual health interventions and created a set of principles to follow for effective implementation. We are happy to receive applications from organisations who wish to include pleasure-inclusive and pleasure-based approaches to their projects addressing one or more of our five priority themes above. Read more information about pleasure-based SRHR at The Pleasure Project’s website.

It is important that applicants think strategically about their local movements and how they will make the most effective contribution to change. Applications must respond to one or more of our outcome areas in our  Theory of Change:

  • Increasing individual awareness of SRHR as human rights
  • Improving access to SRHR resources, information & services
  • Transforming social norms
  • Changing policies & laws
  • Building stronger, more inclusive movements for SRHR

AmplifyChange funds advocacy. We are focused on achieving long-term, sustainable change, however we recognise that collective actions are the best way to achieve change, so understanding how you connect to the wider movement and being able to demonstrate how you are working towards the same change is critical.

AmplifyChange does not support organisations seeking to deliver services unless they contribute to advocacy and movement building for sustainable gains to SRHR.

We work as a challenge fund, and applications are considered on a competitive basis. We aim to be flexible in our funding approach so that smaller and new organisations can access our funding, but we do expect a project to have promising potential to achieve meaningful change.  


Only civil society organisations from the Global South are eligible to apply. Your organisation must be located in, and implementing a project in one of Amplify Change’s eligible countries. 

Applicants must also be small to medium sized organisations with an average annual expenditure over the past two years of less than £200,000 per year. For example, if your expenditure in 2021 was £100,000 GBP, and in 2022 it was £350,000, the average would be £225,000 – this would mean you would not be eligible to apply. You will be asked to submit evidence for your expenditure values. This could be an audited report or a profit and loss statement.

We recognise the broad scope of civil society and the wide range of organisations, actors and coalitions it encompasses.  Civil Society Organisations can include:

  • Community groups
  • Youth Groups
  • Non-governmental organisations
  • Indigenous groups
  • Charitable organisations
  • Faith-based organisations
  • Research institutes
  • Social enterprise groups
  • Public-private partnerships
  • Communications and media groups
  • Professional associations

How to Apply

The deadline to submit your Opportunity application is Thursday 20th April 2023  at 5:00PM UK time. We will not consider any applications received after this deadline.

All applications must be submitted online using our online application system. You must first register your interest to apply online and answer eligibility questions. If your organisation is eligible to apply, you will be able to continue to the online application form. You will need to register by 13th April 2023. After this date you will not be able to register to submit an application.

For more information please check the Link

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