Funding Opportunity: Global Cleantech Challenge

About the Organization

NGIF Industry Grants (“NGIF IG”) was created to accelerate cleantech innovations throughout the natural gas value chain. NGIF IG’s mandate is to fill technology development gaps in the sector and to invest in enabling solutions for current and emerging industry challenges.

Our mission is to advance clean technologies that improve environmental outcomes, boost economic competitiveness, and eliminate or reduce barriers to sustainability.

NGIF IG is wholly funded by the Canadian natural gas industry. NGIF IG exists to support Canada’s natural gas industry with non-dilutive funding to identify emerging innovations and support development and scale-up to commercialize these innovations. NGIF IG enables validation and customer creation to give start-up organizations the final push for market adoption.

NGIF IG supports the development, demonstration, and de-risking of clean technology solutions for the gaseous energy industry through field trials and pilot projects to drive innovation and support environmental goals in Canada.

About the Grant

NGIF Industry Grants, in collaboration with the International Gas Union, has launched a $10MM Global Cleantech Challenge

The Challenge is a funding call to energy startups from around the world with clean technology solutions to come to Canada to access grant funding, technology validation for product market fit, and future energy customers.

The Global Cleantech Challenge will allow NGIF Industry Grants to provide funding from its 14 energy company participants to support the development and demonstration of novel clean technologies from anywhere across the world. Each demonstration project undertaken in Canada is eligible to receive up to $1MM CAD, representing as much as 50% of a project’s qualifying expenses.

NGIF Industry Grants is accepting applications from global small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups with solutions that can create value and mitigate environmental impacts in Canada’s production, transmission, distribution, and end-use of natural gas.

The focus for this funding competition directed at gaseous energy production (upstream), transmission (midstream), distribution and end-use applications (downstream) is to advance leading clean technologies.


The competition is open to Canadian as well as international small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), including technology development startups.

  • Novel technologies that improves the environmental and economic performance for the gaseous energy industry.
  • Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6 or higher technologies. If achieving TRL 6 is imminent, late TRL 5 technologies will be considered.
  • Canadian and international small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are non-subsidiary, and independent technology development firms that employ fewer than 500 employees.
  • Canadian and international technology development startups that are non-subsidiary, independent technology development firms that employ fewer than 100 employees, generate less than CAD $25 million in annual revenues, and are focused on developing and scaling up pre-commercial technologies.

How to Apply

Deadline 1: April 25, 2023, at 3:00 pm EDT

To Apply, visit link

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