Project proposals are invited through e-PMS Portal (https://onlinedst.gov.in/) for consideration of support under the programme Strengthening, Upscaling & Nurturing Innovations for Livelihood (SUNIL), of Science for Equity, Empowerment & Development (SEED) Division, Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India. SUNIL programme aims to support technology delivery and models of social enterprise creation for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) of society including need-based & action research projects to identify local and systemic solutions to implement S&T based projects at community level.
Eligibility Criteria:
A coordinated project proposal involving above-mentioned partners should be submitted online. Before applying to new proposal, PI must ensure to maintain maximum two number of ongoing projects supported to Host Institution (HI) by SEED division at a time. Organizations already working on two ongoing projects supported by SEED division need not to apply under this call for proposal. Teams eligible for receiving project grants under the SUNIL Programme include:
Principal Investigator (PI)/ Co-PI from KI- Scientists, engineers, technologist working IITs, NITs, Autonomous Bodies/Aided Institutions and other educational institutions/ Universities under Central/State Governments, R&D institutions, laboratories having adequate infrastructure and project implementation experience at societal level.
Principal Investigator (PI)/ Co-PI from NGOs- Non-Governmental Organization/Voluntary organizations/private institutions with minimum 3 years field level experience in S&T interventions and management should have delivered proven technology models for field level applications to community after registration. Experience in handling projects having focus on S & T with support from scientific departments of Govt. of India will be encouraged.
S&T based voluntary organizations/institutions should come with legal status or as a society registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 or a trust registered under the Indian Trusts Act 1982 or Charitable or Religious Act 1920 or under the corresponding State Act. Prior to applying for project proposal grant, it is mandatory for every NGO to register first at NGO- DARPAN portal of NITI Aayog https://ngodarpan.gov.in and to get NGO Unique ID.
Signed audited statements are available (at least for the last three financial year): balance sheet, income and expenditure statement, receipts and payments account, schedules to these, notes on accounts and the statutory auditor’s report.
NGOs/VOs Should submit Foreign contribution regulation Act (FCRA) certificate (to access international funding if any).
Involvement of CBOs/Community Groups/FPOs/ SHGs & Social ventures: Direct funding to this group of project partners will not be supported. However, they will have to apply through NGOs or KIs mentioning their specific role and budgetary requirement in the project proposal.
FPOs promoted and supported by Government Departments, Corporates and Domestic & International Aid Agencies, NABARD, SFAC) or registered on e-NAM platform and having formal working space/ office, bank account and Aadhar details etc.
SHGs registered by Khadi & Village Industries Commission (KVIC), Common Service Centre (CSC), NABARD or having saving bank account in the name of SHG.
Social Start-ups and Entrepreneurs including private as well as state sponsored incubators who offer accelerated technological and innovation growth etc.
Note: Only one Principal Investigator (PI) / Project Coordinator/ Senior Programme Officer and one Co-PI from NGO and/ or KI will be allowed for a project and will be eligible to draw emoluments from only one project supported by SEED Division, DST at a particular time. Other human resources on project will be decided on the recommendations of EC members and need of project. Positions may be Programme Officer/ Programme Professional/ Project Assistant/ Project Associate/ Field assistant/ Technical Assistant/ Field Worker/ Supervisor/ Labourer etc
For more information, visit: link