Funding Opportunity: World Justice Challenge: The Rule of Law Foundation of Democracy

The World Justice Challenge is a global competition and program of supporting activities to identify, recognize and promote good practices and high-impact initiatives that protect and advance the rule of law.

The Challenge compiles an evidence base for successful rule of law approaches, raises their strategic visibility, and strengthens an emerging network of rule of law champions. The Challenge competition invites submissions for initiatives that address critical rule of law challenges around the world in particular thematic categories. For the 2024 competition, the theme is The Rule of Law Foundation of Democracy, focusing on effective strategies for strengthening the rule of law to reverse autocracy and rebuild trust in democratic governance. Past themes have been access to justice, anti-corruption and open government, accountable governance, and equal rights and non-discrimination.The competition has had two in-person cycles in the context of the World Justice Forum (in 2019 and 2022), and one virtual cycle (in 2021). Project topics are diverse and multi-disciplinary, and have included combating gender-based violence, monitoring government spending, promoting environmental protections, safeguarding the right to information, and supporting youth leadership.

In each cycle, the Challenge selects and convenes a group of finalists from across sectors, including civil society organizations, government agencies, media, and the private sector. A judging panel awards cash prizes to winning projects that show results and promising potential for future progress, replication, and scaling. The competition also supports all finalist organizations with visibility, collaboration, and profile-building. Finalists are invited to join the World Justice Challenge Alumni Network, a community of practice that facilitates year-round networking and information exchange for its members.

Who can apply?

The competition is multidisciplinary and open to organizations worldwide, including, but not limited to: non-profits; social entrepreneurs; media; national and multilateral government agencies; local government bodies; businesses/private sector enterprises; bar associations; law firms; foundations; and academics from any country or territory in the world.  Collaborative entries among several organizations are welcome. Each applicant may not submit more than two entries.

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