Website End Poverty
Job Title
Sr .Project Coordinator (5 Posts)
About End Poverty
End Poverty is a civil society organization registered in 2009 with a purpose to contribute towards poverty reduction in India. EP has been working in the states of Rajasthan, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. EP’s main target segment are destitute, small and marginal farmers, traditional artisans, poor and needy women, uneducated girl child, unemployed youth etc. Capacity building and training are the most important elements among others to support the diverse groups striving for change and a better life.
End Poverty is a professionally managed, forward looking, catalyst organization that designs & delivers customized, innovative and self-sustaining development programs which are replicable and create social impact. End poverty has carried out development work of over Rs 45 Cr in last 3 years benefitting around 40,000 people with the support of leading international organizations and CSR foundation.
End Poverty has identified four main areas of program interventions: Sustainable Livelihood Creation, Girls Education, Holistic Rural Development and Civil Society development.
About Shwetdhara
Mission Shwetdhara was launched in 3 states i.e. Madhya Pradesh , Rajasthan and Karnataka funded by IDFC FIRST Bank. In the Rajasthan program is covering 64 villages and 3200 members of the mentioned states, where all the services like Artificial Insemination, Treatment, Feed and Fodder Services, Medicines supply are overseen by a team of doctors, agriculturists, Livestock Assistants, and Gram Sakhis. For the implementation of the program, 2 Pashu Vikas Kendras are established, each of which is covering 32 villages. So this position based at Renwal PVK of Rajasthan SD Programme
The project envisaged 4 focal themes:
Institution Building: Covering 64 vllages with the help of 4 Pashu Vikas Kendra, each of which is covering 32 villages. The target was to enroll members in each of the villages by running membership drive and appointment of Gram Sakhi with the suggestion from enrolled members
Capacity Building of members, Gram Sakhi, and all other stakeholders: As Gram Sakhi was the anchor at the village level, so developing her understanding regarding the program and helping her to understand technology were two important parts of the capacity building program. Increasing awareness of members regarding new advents and technology in modern dairy farming and to help them understand the quality of products and services was a major part of the capacity building programs. Another important part of the capacity building program was to train and equip the Livestock Assistant and Staff for Shwetdhara.
Provision of supplying inputs and services at members’ doorstep: Providing services like Artificial Insemination, Treatment, Audio- Visual consultation, and supplying products like Over-the-counter drugs, feed additives, and feed at farmer door-step is part of the program.
Combating Structural Inequality and Women Empowerment: By developing 64 Gram Pashu Vikas Kendra for Gram Sakhi, Shwetdhara envisages to combat structural inequality and empower Gram Sakhi and members to deal with dairy business-related issues, hence, developing the self-esteem and social respect for Gram Sakhi and members both.
Job Location
Shahapura, Neem Ka Thana, Shrimadhopur,Sikar and Mangad Khokhawala PVK Rajasthan
Job responsibilities
Replacing non-performing villages/Gram sakhi in the
1. Preparing analysis of work done by GS in 32 villages
2. Replace the GS/village on the basis of performance
Implementation of Shwetdhara program in 32 villages
1.Achieving membership size of 1000 and convert them to activate membership in cluster
2. Achieving Training targets of Gram Sakhi and Members on modern dairying (with 65% or more total attendance) in 16 villages.
3. Helping Doctor and PVK Manager to achieving Physical targets in his cluster Like:
-1200 AI
-480 treatments by doctors and with doctor’s assistance
-1440 Deworming
-5 vaccination camps with the help of government
-576 AV calls
-HH visits-365 by GS, 192 by trainers
-Organizing cattle camps-16
-Sale of 480 kg mineral mixture per month and timely cash collection
-Sale of 480 kg liquid calcium per month and timely cash collection
4. Sale of 30 bags per village per month in the cluster
Physical Audit and Collection
- Preparation of Physical Audit Report of Feed, Medicines and Feed additives weekly
- Preparation of collection report daily for Renwal
- Keeping a close eye on timely revenue collection from the field as collection in-charge
Office/product Management and Coordination
- Helping in managing the PVK office operations, helping accounts and MIS departments both at
- PVK and at central office
- Monitoring, progress reporting of project activities.
FPC related Activities
- Coordination with FPC and BOD
- Support in FPC Branding and Marketing
- Conduct Meetings of FPC in regular interval
- Capacity Building plan of FPC Members and BOD
- Start FPC Promotion activities
Office management and monitoring
- Monitoring of project parameters and Gram Sakhis
- Keeping a close eye on timely revenue collection from Renwal Pashu Vikas Kendra offices (PVK)
- Monitoring, progress reporting of project activities.
- Monitoring physical & financial progress of the project.
Reporting to
Program Manager SD Program Rajasthan
Salary Budget
25000-30000 Per month
Qualification & Required skills and Competencies
- Understanding and knowledge of rural sales and marketing.
- Exceptional communication and presentation skills especially in the rural context.
- Excellent communication, interpersonal, and customer service skills.
- Knowledge of data analysis and report writing.
- The ability to understand and follow company policies and procedures.
- Person should be a team player with an ability to perform under pressure.
- Experience of Community Mobilization.
- Expert in Excel , and Inventory management
A Master’s degree in Agri or Social work/ Bachelor’s in Rural Marketing/ Agri, Minimum 2-3 years’ experience in rural sales.
How to apply
Interested candidates may apply with a detailed CV mentioning the following details:
1. Current Salary drawn
2. Expected CTC
3. Notice period
Email : recruitment@endpovertyindia.org, dhanajik@endpovertyindia.org, swati@endpovertyindia.org
To apply for this job email your details to recruitment@endpovertyindia.org